봄빛의 천마기사 에스트/대사


I'm Est! My two older sisters already got to enjoy the spring festival. Now it's my turn. You can't stop me!三姉妹の末っ子、エストです!ようやく春祭りに参加できたよ!目一杯楽しんじゃうからね!

On warm days like this, nothing beats hopping on a pegasus and feeling the wind on your face! Wanna join me?こんなに温かい日は天馬に乗って空を駆けるのが一番なの!あなたも一緒に乗る?
Look at all those smiling people! You can feel the warmth in their hearts. That's how you know winter's over.みんなの笑顔を見ていると冬も終わりだなって実感しちゃう。胸がぽかぽか温かくなるね!
Palla and Catria already celebrated the spring festival. But this time, all three of us can have fun together!パオラ姉さまとカチュア姉さまは一足先に春祭りに参加してたの。三姉妹で楽しめるなんてうれしいな!
Hehe, isn't this outfit cute? I wonder what Abel will think...ふふっ。この衣装、可愛いでしょ?アベルに見せたらなんて言ってくれるかなー?
Hippity-hop! Look at me, I'm a rabbit! My sisters won't hop around with me, but if they did we'd be soooo cute!ぴょん! 兎ですよ!姉さまたちは恥ずかしがってやってくれないの。可愛いのに!

친구 방문

The spring festival is happening! This is your official reminder from [Friend]! Hop to it![フレンド]さんから春祭りのお知らせでーす。一緒に春を祝いましょう!

레벨 업

Wow, look at that! Spring HAS sprung!こんなに成長しちゃった!やっぱり春って素敵な季節だね!
I can hop even higher, I just know it!まだまだ、もっと高く跳ねるから!
Maybe I got a bit carried away at the festival...あれっ、ちょっと浮かれ過ぎちゃったかな…


Ooh! A spring festival present? I love it!春の贈り物かな?大事にするね!

5성 40레벨 달성

I LOVE springtime! It's a refreshing restart where anything's possible!
Like new friends, adventures, recipes, and even a new me!
I know I should focus on fighting, but when the battles are finally over... I hope every day will be this carefree.
All we need to do is push through winter, and our spring is bound to be there waiting... For all of us!
If we do our best, I know it'll happen! Count on my sisters and me to have your back, [Summoner]!





오의 발동

Spring is here!スプリングハズカム!
Bunny time!ウサギさんだよ
Lovely weather, isn't it?あったかいね!
Flowers everywhere!お花がいっぱい!


Too much fun...はしゃぎすぎちゃった…


Hippity-hey there! I'm Est! Hoppy to meet you.こんにちは、うさぎのエストだぴょん! よろしくぴょん。
Don't mess up my ears. This bunny has fangs!きゃあっ!? もー、いくら可愛いからって触っちゃだめ!
A celebration where people dress up as bunnies is...a little weird—but it's also really fun!うさぎの衣装を着てお祝いするの、変わってるけど楽しいね。
Seeing my sisters working hard makes me want to follow in their footsteps!姉さまたちががんばってるのを見て、わたしもやってみたいなって!
I didn't think I'd be the bunny type...but I'm having fun hopping around anyway!がんばって可愛く着てみたんだけど、どうかな?
Why did the bunny cross the road? ...To get to the carrot farm, of course!今日はぴょんをつけて話すんだよね? 了解ですぴょん!
Hey—how come you haven't put on your bunny costume yet? Hurry up!わたしもうさぎみたいに可愛くなって、あなたに可愛がられたいな。

아군 턴 터치

Hop, hop!ぴょーん!

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