천진난만한 막내 에스트/대사


It's good to meet you! I'm Est. I may not be a soldier anymore, but I still know my way around a battlefield.私はエスト。よろしくね!今は騎士団を引退してるけどまだまだ勘は鈍ってないよ!

I got kidnapped by pirates and ended up all the way in Valentia. Of all the luck!海賊にさらわれてバレンシア大陸まで来ちゃった…。もう、ついてないなあ。
I'm done being a soldier. I'm running a shop in Altea with Abel. It may be tiny, but it's ours!今は騎士団をやめて、アベルと一緒にアリティアでお店をやっているの。小さいけど、素敵なお店なんだ!
I just saw kid-me walking around! I guess there are lots of different mes here, from different worlds... Wild!さっき、子どもの頃の私に会ったの!ヴァイス・ブレイヴにはいろんな異界の私がいるんだね。
There are so many good people here. Come to think of it, maybe there's somebody for my sister Palla!ヴァイス・ブレイヴは素敵な人ばかりね。もしかしたらパオラ姉さまの好みに合う人もいるかも!?
Even after I left the Macedonian Whitewings, I would sometimes drill with the knights of Altea.マケドニア白騎士団をやめてからもアリティア騎士団の演習にはときどき顔を出していたの。

친구 방문

Your friend [Friend] sent me. Bye now!あなたが[召喚師]?[フレンド]からのお届け物だよ。受け取ってね!

레벨 업

My instinct for combat is coming back. I'm sure I can help!実戦の勘が戻ってきたみたい!これからはもっと活躍できるよ!
I am NOT getting kidnapped by pirates, or ANYBODY, EVER again!もう海賊なんかに捕まったりしないんだから!
I really do have the worst luck.うーん、ついてないなぁ。


This is for me? Thank you! That cheers me up.これを私に? ありがとう!元気が出てきちゃった!

5성 40레벨 달성

*sigh* Here I am, fighting again. I'd finally quit being a soldier and set up shop with Abel too.
And if I hadn't gotten kidnapped by pirates in the first place, my sisters wouldn't have gotten roped into this.
There's no use fretting about it. I just have to try and give my help to whoever needs it!
I may have quit the Whitewings, but I'm still a pegasus knight. I have my pride!
Once we bring peace to Askr and Valentia, I can go back to the shop.
Wait for me, Abel! I'll be back as soon as the fighting is over!





오의 발동

Comin' through!いっくわよー!
It's the end for you!やっつけちゃうから!
Look at this, Abel!見ててね、アベル!
Oh, I'm ready!私だって!


No... Abel...そんな…アベル…


My name's Est. I'm the youngest of three. Do you know Palla and Catria?私、エスト! パオラ姉さまとカチュア姉さまと、三人姉妹なの。
Ah! Oh, come on! And they say I'm childish! Tch...ひゃあっ!? …もー、そういうのはねえ、子供っぽいっていうのよ!
I'm done with being a soldier. I'm running a shop with Abel.今は軍をやめて、アベルと一緒にお店をやってるの。
I'd finally settled down, and then I got kidnapped by pirates. Just my luck!平和に暮らしてたのに、海賊にさらわれるなんてついてないよね…
Well, I've come this far. I'm going to give this fight my all. Are you with me?もう、ここまできたらバリバリ戦っちゃうから! 何でも言って?
Oh, Abel... When will we finally live in peace together?はあ、アベル…いつになったら二人でゆっくりできるのかなあ…
I've been through a lot, but I'm glad to have met you.いろいろあったけど、あなたと会えたのはよかったって思ってるよ。

아군 턴 터치

Order's ready!任せて任せて
What? Really?えっ、そうなの?
Off I go!いってきまーす!

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