말괄량이 아가씨 에슬린/대사


I am Ethlyn, wife of Quan of the House of Leonster. Ask me what you will—but keep it brief, please.レンスター家キュアンの妻、エスリンと申します。ご用件は手短にお願いしますね。

I'm flooded with memories of those warm and halcyon days. Oh, Sigurd, Deirdre...…兄上、ディアドラ様…あの優しく、暖かい時を…思い出していました。
My brother and my husband are so careless, and you make three! Take some pride in your appearance.こらっ、身嗜みはきちんとなさい。まったく、あなたもキュアンや兄上に似てこういうところがだらしないんだから…
Everyone needs to take a break now and again. Wait just a moment and I'll prepare some tea for you.どんな人でも休息は必要なものよ。ここで少し、休憩しましょう。待ってて、いまお茶の準備をしてくるから。
Altena... Leif... I will protect both of you. I swear it.アルテナ…リーフ…あなたたちのことは、この私が守ります…
It looks as if the seam on your shoulder has come undone.
Come here and let me fix it. I was already mending these clothes, so it's no trouble.

친구 방문

I am Ethlyn. I have brought a friendly hello from [Friend].私はエスリン。挨拶に来たの。[フレンド]さんをよろしくね。

레벨 업

I am a descendant of the crusader Baldr. For the sake of the children, I must prevail!私とて聖戦士バルドの末裔。あの子たちのためにも、負けられません!
No matter the trials I face, I must persevere! I just know it will all work out in the end.あきらめなければ、何とかなります。どんなことでも!
If this is all I am capable of...I must be a hindrance.あらら…これじゃ足手まといかしら。


I feel renewed! I wonder if Quan will notice that something's different...ふふ、なんだか新しい自分になったみたい。キュアンは気がついてくれるかしら?

5성 40레벨 달성

Greetings, [Summoner].
How is your family? Tell me...is there anyone you've pledged yourself to, a lifelong love?
Both my husband, Quan, and my brother are irreplaceable to me. I am truly blessed to have them.
More than that, though...my daughter, Altena, and my son, Leif...
Whenever I picture their smiling faces...I can endure anything.
For those who matter most to me, there is nothing I cannot overcome. Risking my life does not scare me.
I hope that you can find the same strength within you. Let us fight together, unfailingly!





오의 발동

I'll protect you!私が守ります!
Forgive me!ごめんなさい…!
Until the very end!最後まで…!
All will be well. You'll see!きっと大丈夫!


Quan, I'm so sorry...キュアン、ごめんなさい…


I'm right here with you.私がついています
Never give up!あきらめないで
Just like my brother, am I? Well, when my mind is set on something, I won't back down. That's true.私は兄上に似てるんですって。言い出したら譲らないところとか…
Oh, it's just you.きゃっ!? あら、あなただったの。
My brother has a tendency to be reckless. I have to keep an eye on him, or I worry.兄上は昔から向こう見ずなところがあったから、私がお助けしないと…
I pray that Deirdre and my brother can lead a happy life together...兄上とディアドラ様が幸せに暮らせますように…
Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. You're very kind.心配してくれてありがとう…あなたは優しい人ね。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.ええ
Oh, sorry!ごめんなさいね
Together, we can win.みんなで戦いましょう

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