피아나의 여신 에벨/대사


I am Eyvel, mistress of Fiana. I may not look it, but I'm not bad with a sword. If you're in need, I can help.私はフィアナ村の領主エーヴェル。こう見えて、剣の腕は確かよ。困ったことがあるのなら力になるわ。

When I saved Mareeta from slavers, she could say only her own name.
Now that child has grown...and to me, she has become a daughter, beloved and irreplaceable.
I recall nothing of my past. Only that I was found washed up on the shore by villagers over a decade ago.私には若い頃の記憶がありません。十数年前、海岸に倒れていたところを村人に助けられたのです。
Worry fatigues the mind and dulls judgment. You must rest. Please, go spend some time in bed.焦りは疲労を呼び、疲労は判断を鈍らせる。何事にも休息は必要です。さ、今夜はもうお休みなさい……
I was invited to tea, but...would you mind joining me? I'm not used to such things.お茶会に呼ばれたのだけど…よければ付き添ってくれないかしら?そういう場には慣れていないものだから。
Who...am I? Was I married? Did I have children? I can't remember even that.私は何者なのか…夫は…子供はいたのか……それすらおぼえていないのです。

친구 방문

I'm Eyvel, of Fiana village. Please accept a greeting from me in place of [Friend].私はフィアナ村のエーヴェル。[フレンド]の代理です。どうぞ、こちらをお納めください。

레벨 업

I will not run or hide. I will fight in a fashion worthy of the Freeblades.私は逃げも隠れもしない…フィアナ義勇軍の名に恥じない戦いをするだけ。
...Strange. Even without memories, this body of mine remembers its way around the battlefield.不思議ね……たとえ記憶が無くとも、この身体は戦いを憶えている…
Ugh... My head... It's swimming...…うっ、頭が…重い……


Oh, thank you. But you needn't fuss over me. I'll be fine.あら、ありがとう。こんなに気を遣ってくれなくても、私は大丈夫よ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've recovered most of my strength, and I owe much of my progress to you, [Summoner].
Yet the block on my memory lingers. I've met some people who I feel I may know, but...I recall nothing of myself.
I am uneasy not knowing myself, but it leads me to believe that there must be some purpose to it all...
Though I cannot be sure if it was something I've done or something I WILL do that has led to this...
For now, I will just be Eyvel of Fiana, and I will fight for my friends... Including you.





오의 발동

I fear no enemy.恐れることはありません
Atone for your crimes!償いをさせましょう
For the Freeblades!義勇軍の名にかけて!
Stand tall!恥じない戦いを!


Don't...give up...みんな…あきらめないで…


I am Eyvel—a simple mercenary from Fiana.私はただの傭兵。フィアナ村のエーヴェルです。
I hope you take the burden of leadership seriously.まあっ…! だめよ、人をからかっては。
I recall nothing of my past. For all I know, there's a family out there wondering what's become of me.私には若い頃の記憶がありません。夫は、子供はいたのか。それすら…
I hardly recognize Lord Leif these days. He's become quite the leader.リーフ様はほんとに見違えるよう…立派な君主になられました。
Mareeta is my daughter, now. I will never part with her.マリータはもう私の娘。手放すつもりはありません。
The emptiness of my past still troubles me. Perhaps someday I'll be able to just let go.いつか、この胸の空白が埋まる時がくるのでしょうか…
Whenever I start to feel control over my life, I'm reminded how helpless I am against the whims of fate.人生とは本当に数奇なものです。あなたもそうでしょう?

아군 턴 터치

As you say.異存はありません
Use discretion.気をつけて

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