바돈 해의 두목 퍼거스/대사
I'm Fargus, captain of the Davros. You're here to see me, aren't you? | オレはファーガス海賊団の頭、ファーガスだ。おまえか、オレに会いたいってのは? |
Sailors are a superstitious sort. Nothing good's ever come from upsetting any gods of the seas. | 船乗りは縁起を大切にする。海の神様に機嫌を損ねられちゃあかなわんからだ。 |
I once saved a lad I found on death's door in the port of Badon. It was a miracle he was alive, truth be told. | 昔…港町バドンで倒れていた若い男を拾った。ありゃ生きてるのが不思議なぐらいだったな。 |
Eat when you can, just not so much you can't move. It's important to take care of your guts when you're eating. Same goes for when you're drinking too, of course. | 食える時は食え、ただし、苦しくなるほどは食うな。腹を大事にしろ…酒も同じだ。 |
Tomorrow's a holy day for Elimine's flock, so...you won't be sending me out on any missions. Got it? | 明日はエリミーヌの教えの日でな……出撃は控えさせてもらうぜ。 |
The Davros pirates are no rabble. We may not bow to any government, but we have principles of our own. | ファーガス団は別に悪党じゃねえ。そこらの国が勝手に言うことは聞かんが道理や筋は通す……そういう主義だ。 |
친구 방문
Quite the glint in that eye of yours... Here. From [Friend]. | てめぇが[召喚師]か。いいツラしてるじゃねえか。[フレンド]と仲良くな。 |
레벨 업
I would've let the fools live if they hadn't gone out of their way to bring it on themselves. | バカなやつらだ。わざわざこっちに来なけりゃ見逃してやったのによ。 |
If you can't judge your enemy's skill, you'll wind up fish food. | 相手の力量も読めんようでは、このさき生き残れんぞ! |
Feels like back when I was getting started with only these two hands to my name—sails full of wind! | 裸一貫だった頃みてぇな気分だぜ……いいじゃねえか。 |
You've got guts, whelp! Let's go! | てめえ、いい度胸じゃねえか!やってやるぜ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
I can't say I don't wonder at how I wound up here... A man can't resist the call of adventure, I suppose. After living as long as I have, I've faced about every obstacle a man can face... I've been tossed about by the ups and downs of life, but...I've not met a new challenge for a long time now. And here I find myself in this world full of Heroes... A world unlike any I've laid eyes on. The years I've spent captaining my ship and my crew feel like they've been stripped away, and now... I feel like I'm back in the swashbuckling days of my youth, sailing from one battle to the next! It's like a fresh breath of sea air! | どうしてこうなった、と思わんでもない。だが男ってなぁ因果なもんで、「挑戦」ってのに弱いんだよ。 オレもこの歳まで生き延びて、自分の「挑戦」ってやつぁ、もう……あらかたやっちまったんだがな。 果たしたもの、あきらめちまったもの……長く、新しい「挑戦」なんかとは無縁だったが―― ところがどうだ、英雄たちの世界だと?オレは海と大地の狭間にでも迷い込んじまったのか? 船や子分のことで手一杯だった自分がよ、ここでは若い頃に戻ったみてぇに、ただ目の前の戦いに明け暮れるんだ! わかるか、[召喚師]!オレはいま楽しいぞ!ガッハッハッ! |
- | でやぁっ |
- | ぐははは! |
- | うぐぉぉっ… |
- | なんだとうっ!? |
오의 발동
Mooncalves! | バカなやつらだ |
Let's carve ya some new gizzards! | どたまかち割ってやる! |
You must be mad! | どこのどいつだ!? |
Rout 'em! | 思い知ったか! |
Can't believe you beat me... | このオレが…やられるとは… |
- | ガッハッハ! |
I'm Fargus, captain of the Davros. | オレはファーガス海賊団の頭、ファーガスだ。 |
Hah! You've got guts, whelp! | おわぁっ!? てめえ、いい度胸じゃねえか! |
If you can't judge your enemy's skill, you'll wind up fish food. | 相手の力量も読めんようでは、この先生き残れんぞ!! |
You're not one of my mates. Drop the "Captain"—call me Fargus. | お前はオレの手下じゃねぇ。ファーガスと呼ぶといい。 |
Those whelps Eliwood and Hector aren't too bad in a fight. Their mates, neither. | エリウッドとヘクトルとかいうぼうずども、なかなかやりやがる。 |
Men are strange beasts. We can't resist a challenge. | 男ってなぁ因果なもんで、挑戦ってのに弱いんだよ。 |
I'm impressed with your courage. Stay alive out there. | お前はなかなかにいい根性をしてやがる。生きて戻って来いよ。 |
아군 턴 터치
C'mon. | おう |
Don't test me. | どうする? |
What's the plan? | やろうってのか!? |