좋은 수완의 천마기사 파리나/대사


I am Farina, of Ilia's third division of pegasus knights. Want my help? It usually runs about 20,000 gold.私はイリア傭兵天馬騎士団、第三部隊所属のファリナ!私を使いたいなら、2万ゴールドでどう?

I had imagined being a Hero would be freeing, but many here seem like they're just as stiff as they were...
Is it a symptom of being too strong, I wonder?
Only women can ride pegasusback, so all pegasus knights are women. Ilian men all work the fields.ペガサスは女の子しか乗れないのよ。だから、天馬騎士になれるのは女性だけ。イリアの男どもはみんな、野良仕事してるわ。
Eat when you have food and rest when you have shelter! That's how mercenaries live!食べられる時に食べ、休めるときに休む!それが傭兵の心意気ってもんでしょ!
Being a pegasus knight costs money. The noble pegasus must eat noble carrots, after all!ペガサスナイトはお金がかかるのよ。高貴なペガサスは食べ物だって高貴なにんじんじゃないといけないの!
Those damn nobles, taking advantage of my sister and her contract breach. They'll get theirs before it's over...あのバカ貴族め……契約違反で姉貴につけ込もうったってそうはいかないわ。もうすぐぎゃふんと言わせてやるんだから…

친구 방문

I'm Farina, of the Ilian Strongwings, requested by Lord Hector himself! It'll be 20,000 gold for my service.私はイリア傭兵天馬騎士団のファリナ!あのヘクトル様にも請われた【すご腕】よ!特別に契約金2万ゴールドでどう?

레벨 업

We have a saying in Ilia: One foe for country, and another foe for family! ...Actually, I just made that up.イリアの格言に、敵を突いては国のため、もひとつ突いては家のため~ってね!いま私が考えたんだけど。
Did you see that? You get all 20,000 gold's worth from me!どう、私の活躍を見てくれた?2万ゴールドの女は一味違うでしょ!
Hey! What're these scraps?!ちょっと!何よ、これは!


Wait, really? ...You're not going to ask me to pay you back later, are you?あとで使用料とか請求されない?大丈夫?ホントに?

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey! You have a moment to chat, [Summoner]?
This might seem a bit sudden, but... how much is Askr paying you? Don't tell me nothing! Seriously?!
Seems like you have no plans for your own future. You think you can live without worry—but you can't!
Every service has its price, so why don't we get you set up with a real contract, hm? Just leave it to me!
I'll even offer you a special rate and just take a mere 20% commission off the top for doing the negotiating.
All right! Let's go nail down the details of the terms!





오의 발동

I earn my fee!稼ぐわよー
Not good enough.甘いのよ
Money well spent!一味違うでしょ?
I'm here for the money!報酬いただき!


All that...money...お金…ためてたのにな…


weird laugh?きゃはっ
I'm Farina, a mercenary member of the Strongwings, the third wing of the Ilian Pegasus Knights. Of course, I assume you know all that...イリア天馬騎士団第3部隊所属、すご腕のファリナとは私のことよ!
Whoa, hey there! My time is worth money, so don't waste it.うわっ! びっくりした。二万ゴールドの私に何かご用?
Fiora, Farina, and Florina—the three of us sisters are the beauties of Ilia.姉貴、私、フロリーナの三姉妹はイリアを代表する美人姉妹なのよ。
How much are they paying you? My last job paid 20,000 gold...あなた、いくらで雇われたの? ちなみに私は二万ゴールドだけど。
A woman needs an income! You have to be willing to walk away if they try to offer you less than you're worth!女の価値はお金で決まるのよ! 1ゴールドの妥協は死を招くわ!
Fiora, Florina... I'll be back one day...and I'll be hauling lots of gold.姉貴、フロリーナ…いつかきっと、お金たくさん持って帰るからね。
I will carry this entire operation on my back if I have to, so you should offer me a startlingly high salary!あなたのために馬車馬のように働くから、特別報酬はずんでよね!

아군 턴 터치

Sure, let's try it.そうしなさいって
This'll be nice!気分いいわ~

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