한결같은 연심 에피/대사
I'm Faye. Glad to help. I've trained a bit with the Deliverance, you know, for Alm and all my friends. | 私はエフィ、ただの女の子だよ。そりゃあ、解放軍で戦っているけど……アルムがいればどうでもいいの。 |
This place is...in a whole different world than mine? Fine by me, I guess, if maybe Alm is near. | ここって、私たちの世界とは違う世界なの?ふうん……私はアルムがいればどこでもいいけど…… |
I'm not really one for fighting, but Alm joined the Deliverance... so I did too! | 私、別に戦いとか興味ないんだ。でもアルムが解放軍に入っちゃったからいっしょに戦ってるの。 |
You on patrol? Thanks for watching out for us! Pass a note to Alm, if you happen by him? Nothing much... Just a little "hi" from me! | 見回りしてるの? ご苦労さま。もしアルムを見かけたらいちばんに私に教えてね。 |
The Askran Kingdom is so pretty! I should visit all the nicest spots. I bet you can guess...with who. | アスク王国って、きれいなところだね。ねえ、おすすめの場所に案内して?アルムにも見せてあげたいの。 |
I'm sewing up a good-luck charm. Alm's always been good luck for me, so I think of him with every stitch. | 私ね、いま刺繍でお守りを作っているの。アルムのことを考えながら一針一針……うふふ、喜んでくれるかな? |
친구 방문
Oh, hello there! Are you [Summoner]? Guess who sent me? It was [Friend]! | あなたが[召喚師]?[フレンド]があなたによろしくだって。 |
레벨 업
For Alm and the others, I have to get even better! | アルムのためなら、私もっと強くなれる……! |
Hey, what do you think? Not bad, right? | えへへ……どう?強くなったでしょ。 |
Aw...but I tried so hard. | えっ……がんばったのに…… |
You did that for me? One step closer to really helping! | 私を強くしてくれたの?うれしい……これでもっと…… |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oh! Well, it's you, isn't it, [Summoner]. My eyes light up every time I turn a corner around here, hoping that I'll see you-know-who. And, you know? You're not Alm, but you don't have to be. At least, not anymore. Funny how people can be so stuck on someone...that they don't see what's right there. I know you'd think I'm the last one to ever say something like that. But it's true. I have proof. See? I'm working on a good-luck charm for you. Thought of you with every stitch. Does it look good? Do you like it? I hope so. You mean a lot to me, so I really want it to be great! | あっ、[召喚師]……なあんだ、アルムかと思ったのに。がっかりしちゃった。 ……なんて、嘘。ほんとはね、最近アルムと同じくらいあなたに会えるのもうれしいんだ。 あっ、その顔! 信じてないでしょ。証拠だってあるんだよ。ほら、これを見て。 刺繍のお守り、あなたの分も作ったの。一針一針、あなたのことを思いながら……ねえ、もらってくれる? そう……、ありがとう。えへへ、なんだか照れちゃう。大事にしないと、許さないんだからね? |
ええいっ | |
Gotcha! | 当たって! |
っあっ… | |
Ahhhhh! | いやあああーっ! |
오의 발동
No more! | 終わって! |
I've had it! | いくわよー! |
Wrong move. | 負けない! |
For Alm! | アルムのためなら! |
Alm... | アルム…… |
Heehee... | ふふ…… |
Now, now—what do you want? | やだ、なあに? |
Oh, you! Trying to get my attention? | もう、意地悪なんだから…… |
Oh, Alm... Can't you see how much I love you? | 私ね、アルムが大好きなの。 |
I'd love to show you our village someday. | 私たちの村を、あなたにも見せてあげたいな。 |
What do I like? Sewing, flowers, and...sewing flowers. How about you? | お花とか刺繍とか、あなたも好き? |
I wonder what Alm is thinking about right now... | アルム、なにしてるのかなあ…… |
I'm really fond of Alm, as you know by now. But I've come to care for you too! | こんなに誰かのことを考えるの、アルム以外じゃ初めてだよ。 |
아군 턴 터치
OK. | わかった。 |
All right. | 難しいな…… |
Try my best. | がんばるね! |
공격 - 신장
やあっ | |
これでどう? |
피격 - 신장
ああっ… | |
いたぁい…! |
오의 발동 - 신장
Shutting the gate! | 扉を閉じるわ |
Stop right there! | 通さないから! |
You asked for it! | こっちに来ないで! |
Out of my way! | 邪魔するなら…! |
패배 - 신장
No... Alm... | いや…アルム… |
상태창 - 신장
うふふ… | |
Can't really say I know what's going on, but SOMEBODY told me to try on this outfit. How's it look? | よくわかんないけど、着替えろって言われたの。これでいい? |
Ah! Oh, it's you. And here I was hoping I'd get to talk to Alm... | きゃっ…! なーんだ、あなたか。アルムかと思っちゃった。 |
So...are the Emblians our enemies, or friends? It's kinda hard to keep track sometimes. | エンブラ帝国って、敵なのか何なのかわかんなくなっちゃった。 |
You want to help me practice? Great! Now just put this apple on your head and stay very, very still... | 弓の練習手伝ってくれる? こうやってリンゴを持って…動かないでね! |
There are so many different Alms from so many different worlds... And each is just as wonderful as the next! | いろんな世界から来たいろんなアルムがいるけど、み~んな素敵! |
I wonder what Alm will say when he sees me in this outfit... | アルム、新しい衣装見たら何て言うかな… |
I'm with you till the very end. Don't you ever forget that! | いつだってあなたの味方だから。忘れないでね。 |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
You got it. | うん |
Hope this works. | 上手くいくかな… |
Wish me luck! | 行ってくる! |