한결같은 연심 에피/대사


I'm Faye. Glad to help. I've trained a bit with the Deliverance, you know, for Alm and all my friends.私はエフィ、ただの女の子だよ。そりゃあ、解放軍で戦っているけど……アルムがいればどうでもいいの。

This place is...in a whole different world than mine? Fine by me, I guess, if maybe Alm is near.ここって、私たちの世界とは違う世界なの?ふうん……私はアルムがいればどこでもいいけど……
I'm not really one for fighting, but Alm joined the Deliverance... so I did too!私、別に戦いとか興味ないんだ。でもアルムが解放軍に入っちゃったからいっしょに戦ってるの。
You on patrol? Thanks for watching out for us! Pass a note to Alm, if you happen by him?
Nothing much... Just a little "hi" from me!
見回りしてるの? ご苦労さま。もしアルムを見かけたらいちばんに私に教えてね。
The Askran Kingdom is so pretty! I should visit all the nicest spots. I bet you can guess...with who.アスク王国って、きれいなところだね。ねえ、おすすめの場所に案内して?アルムにも見せてあげたいの。
I'm sewing up a good-luck charm. Alm's always been good luck for me, so I think of him with every stitch.私ね、いま刺繍でお守りを作っているの。アルムのことを考えながら一針一針……うふふ、喜んでくれるかな?

친구 방문

Oh, hello there! Are you [Summoner]?
Guess who sent me? It was [Friend]!

레벨 업

For Alm and the others, I have to get even better!アルムのためなら、私もっと強くなれる……!
Hey, what do you think? Not bad, right?えへへ……どう?強くなったでしょ。
Aw...but I tried so hard.えっ……がんばったのに……


You did that for me? One step closer to really helping!私を強くしてくれたの?うれしい……これでもっと……

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh! Well, it's you, isn't it, [Summoner].
My eyes light up every time I turn a corner around here, hoping that I'll see you-know-who.
And, you know? You're not Alm, but you don't have to be. At least, not anymore.
Funny how people can be so stuck on someone...that they don't see what's right there.
I know you'd think I'm the last one to ever say something like that. But it's true.
I have proof. See? I'm working on a good-luck charm for you. Thought of you with every stitch.
Does it look good? Do you like it? I hope so. You mean a lot to me, so I really want it to be great!
あっ、その顔! 信じてないでしょ。証拠だってあるんだよ。ほら、これを見て。





오의 발동

No more!終わって!
I've had it!いくわよー!
Wrong move.負けない!
For Alm!アルムのためなら!




Now, now—what do you want?やだ、なあに?
Oh, you! Trying to get my attention?もう、意地悪なんだから……
Oh, Alm... Can't you see how much I love you?私ね、アルムが大好きなの。
I'd love to show you our village someday.私たちの村を、あなたにも見せてあげたいな。
What do I like? Sewing, flowers, and...sewing flowers. How about you?お花とか刺繍とか、あなたも好き?
I wonder what Alm is thinking about right now...アルム、なにしてるのかなあ……
I'm really fond of Alm, as you know by now. But I've come to care for you too!こんなに誰かのことを考えるの、アルム以外じゃ初めてだよ。

아군 턴 터치

All right.難しいな……
Try my best.がんばるね!

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Shutting the gate!扉を閉じるわ
Stop right there!通さないから!
You asked for it!こっちに来ないで!
Out of my way!邪魔するなら…!

패배 - 신장

No... Alm...いや…アルム…

상태창 - 신장

Can't really say I know what's going on, but SOMEBODY told me to try on this outfit. How's it look?よくわかんないけど、着替えろって言われたの。これでいい?
Ah! Oh, it's you. And here I was hoping I'd get to talk to Alm...きゃっ…! なーんだ、あなたか。アルムかと思っちゃった。
So...are the Emblians our enemies, or friends? It's kinda hard to keep track sometimes.エンブラ帝国って、敵なのか何なのかわかんなくなっちゃった。
You want to help me practice? Great! Now just put this apple on your head and stay very, very still...弓の練習手伝ってくれる? こうやってリンゴを持って…動かないでね!
There are so many different Alms from so many different worlds... And each is just as wonderful as the next!いろんな世界から来たいろんなアルムがいるけど、み~んな素敵!
I wonder what Alm will say when he sees me in this outfit...アルム、新しい衣装見たら何て言うかな…
I'm with you till the very end. Don't you ever forget that!いつだってあなたの味方だから。忘れないでね。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

You got it.うん
Hope this works.上手くいくかな…
Wish me luck!行ってくる!

캐릭터 페이지로