당신에게 일직선 에피/대사


Hi! I'm Faye. I've got some important deliveries here for Alm! Have you seen him around at all?私の名前? エフィよ。ねえねえ、アルムはどこ?贈り物を渡さなくっちゃ!

It's finally here! The Day of Devotion! I've been waiting so long to tell Alm how I truly feel!今日は年に一度の愛の祭!アルムに私の想いをいーーーっぱい伝えなきゃ!!
The butchers at market were so glad for all I was buying that they threw in these oxtails. They're great for soup!市場でたくさんお買い物したから、おまけで豚の尻尾をもらっちゃった。あぶって食べると美味しいんだよ?
Want some leftovers? I've got plenty of choice steaks! We can call it your Day of Devotion gift from me!愛の祭の贈り物はもらえた?もらえなかったら、お肉たくさんあるから余ったのをあげるね。
Silque saw an artist working wonders with spun sugar over there. Want to come with us and see?あなたも一緒に行く?シルクが飴細工の屋台に行きたいんだって。
In hindsight...maybe asking for an entire side of beef was a mistake. I hope Alm has room for it all...ふう~…重いなあ。アルムへの贈り物、張り切りすぎちゃった。牛一頭は多すぎたかな…?

친구 방문

Hey, guess who's coming by to check out the festivities? It's your friend, [Friend]! Join us!早く準備して![フレンド]がお祭りをいっしょに回ろうって。

레벨 업

With the power of love, you can do anything you put your mind to!愛の力は、奇跡だって起こしちゃうんだね…
This pales in comparison to my feelings for Alm!私のアルムへの気持ちはもっともーっとすごいんだから!
Do I need to put more love into it? But I'm spoken for... How about just a hug?まだまだ愛が足りないのかな?よーし、がんばる!


A gift? Oh, thank you so much! This is almost as good as getting a present from Alm!贈り物をありがとう!アルムからの次に嬉しいよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Gray and Tobin won't stop teasing me for giving Alm gifts. Like it's wrong to show you care!
They're so weird. Tobin was head over heels for a girl in our village, once. He had no idea what to do.
His way of handling it was to annoy her until she couldn't stand the sight of him. How ridiculous is that?
If you like someone, being mean to them is the last thing you should do. You'd think that would be obvious.
Even if Alm doesn't ever return my feelings, at least he knows I would never do anything to hurt him!





오의 발동

It's meant to be!私の気持ち!
You'll see!想いを伝えて…
This is for you, Alm!だーいすき!


So much left unsaid...もっと…伝えなきゃ…


I'm the archer of love, and I'm taking aim straight at Alm's heart!私は愛の弓使い! アルムのハートを狙い撃っちゃうよ!
Don't touch that! That's a gift for Alm. That one too. They're all for Alm, OK?!きゃあっ、だめよ! これはぜーんぶ、アルムへの贈り物なの!
Alm loves meat, so...I went to the market and bought it all. Can never be too careful!アルムはお肉が大好きだから、市場中のお肉を買い占めちゃった。
Silque doesn't like meat, so I got her flowers instead. I hope she likes them!白いお花はシルクにあげるの。お肉は苦手なんだって。
Do you think Alm will like my outfit?この衣装、アルム似合うって言ってくれるかなあ…うふふ…
The Day of Devotion is the perfect time for me to let out my true feelings!愛の祭りがなかったら、アルムへの気持ちでパンクしちゃう!
I don't know what to do with all this meat I bought for Alm. Do you want some sausage? Or jerky?あなたにもお肉しかないの。腸詰と干し肉、どっちがいい?

아군 턴 터치

Special delivery!届けましょ!
What would you like?どっちがいいかな?
I've got the goods!贈り物だよ!

캐릭터 페이지로