도시락도 반푼이 펠리시아/대사


I-I'm Felicia! Nice to meet you. I'm a properly trained maid, so leave the lunches to me!は、初めまして、フェリシアと言います!敏腕メイドですから、ピクニックのお弁当はお任せくださいね!

The scenery here is breathtaking... Blue skies, beautiful flowers. It's all so peaceful. I love it!ここはとてもいい景色ですね!お花も空もとっても癒されます!いるだけでワクワクしちゃいます~
I may be of the Ice Tribe, but I long for warm, sunny days. I just want to relax in a sunbeam with my sister!私は氷の部族の生まれなのでぽかぽか陽気は憧れてました!姉さんと一緒に日向ぼっこしたいです。
Woah! Did you eat something that doesn't agree with you? Let's go sit in the shade.はわわっ!少しお顔の色がすぐれないみたいです…私があちらの日陰までお連れしますっ!
I may not be good in the kitchen, but I pulled out all the stops to make lunch for today. Let's eat it together!お料理はあまり得意ではないのですが今日はお弁当作ってきちゃいましたっ!さあ、こちらで一緒に食べましょう~
You were looking a little tired, so I made you some tea!
Uh...now you look even worse.

친구 방문

I've brought lunch! I made it just for you—[Friend] asked![フレンド]さんから、あなたにもお弁当の差し入れです!私が作ったんですよ!

레벨 업

No matter the dish, leave it to me! I'm a first-rate maid. It's what I do!どんな料理でもお任せください!私は、敏腕メイドですから!!
That lunch sure was tasty, wasn't it?はわ~、さっきのお弁当おいしかったですねっ!
Urgh... I think that the meat was... a touch underdone...はわわ、さっき食べたお弁当のお肉、やっぱり生焼けだったかもしれません~…


You didn't have to go to the trouble, but I'm happy that I can help out even more now!私のためにありがとうございます~!これで私も、もっとお役に立てますね!るんるん♪

5성 40레벨 달성

Where am I? I've gone and gotten myself lost again...when all I wanted was share this lunch.
Oh, [Summoner]! Is that you?
What are you doing here? You're looking for me? That's...that's so sweet! *sniffle*
I'm so grateful to you for putting up with all of my clumsiness.
I suppose it's a little late in the day to eat now, isn't it? Don't worry—I'll make you something nice soon!


Here I go.いきます



오의 발동

Eat this!食べてくださいー!
Clear your plate!はわわわーっ!?
Here's your meal!お弁当をどうぞ!
I'll straighten this up!お片付けしますよ!


Time for a nap...お昼寝の…時間です…


I'm great at maid stuff, so leave the picnic prep to me!敏腕メイドですから、ピクニックの準備はお任せください!
Oh no! I didn't spill, did I?はわわっ!? こ、ここに何かついてましたか?
Everyone says my cooking is to die for...and then they laugh...私が作る料理は、皆さんから殺人料理と呼ばれてて…はうう…
I did my best. I hope everything turned out all right!今日のお弁当は、上手くできた気がします! 私、がんばりましたよー!
Whoa! Sorry. Dropped my tea tray.はわわっ、お茶こぼしちゃいましたぁ~
♪Hm-hm-hmm... Picnic, picnic!♪ふんふーん♪ ピクニック~ピクニック~♪
I wish we could share a nice picnic lunch like this every day...あなたのために、毎日おいしいお弁当を作りたいです。

아군 턴 터치

Picnic time!ピクニックですっ!

캐릭터 페이지로