한 마리 늑대의 겨울축제 펠릭스/대사


I am Felix Hugo Fraldarius...and I'm sure you think this outfit is funny. Get your laughs in while you can.俺はフェリクス=ユーゴ=フラルダリウス。このようなふざけた格好をさせるとは貴様、覚悟はできているのだろうな?

You seriously want me to go around delivering gifts? Hmph. Make the boar do it. That'll be good for a laugh.チッ…贈り物を配って歩くなど…こんな馬鹿げた戯れ、猪にでもやらせておけば良いものを。
My only interest is in honing my skill with a sword. Festivals are an unwelcome distraction.俺は誰とも馴れ合わず剣のみに生きると志した者だ。このような祭りに興味はない。
I don't even want to think about what Sylvain would say if he caught me wearing this.この格好、シルヴァンに見られたら、面白がって絡んで来かねない…いや、一緒に手伝うと言い出しかねん。
This whole thing feels pointless to me...but I understand it helps some people relax.フン…俺とて、祭りのような息抜きが必要なことは承知している。だが、過ぎた息抜きなど毒にしかならん。
Maybe if I think of the festival as a kind of training... No. Still dumb.これも試練と考えれば…いや、やはり納得はできんな。至極、馬鹿げているのひと言だ。

친구 방문

I'm Felix. I'm here to take on your strongest fighters...and to deliver gifts from [Friend].[フレンド]の城から来たフェリクスだ。この贈り物をくれてやる。代わりに、城一番の強者と戦わせろ。

레벨 업

I have no time for stupid games. Here's your gift. Goodbye.くだらん遊びに付き合う暇はない。この贈り物をくれてやるからさっさと帰れ。
Stay out of my way and you won't get hurt. Simple as that.俺の邪魔をするのなら容赦しない。それだけだ。
Still can't believe I got caught up in this dumb festival. What was I thinking?チッ…不甲斐ない。祭りの空気に飲まれたか。


No, I'm not having fun right now. How do you keep a straight face asking such asinine questions?…言っておくがな、俺は決して浮かれているわけではないぞ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Now that the festival is over, I want you to know exactly what I thought of it, [Summoner].
It was a waste of time that would have been better spent training.
I'm not sure which is worse—that I spent all that time giving out gifts, or that I actually enjoyed it.
Their stupid smiles, their ridiculous words of gratitude... Ugh...
I hope you don't think I learned some kind of lesson from this. Or that I'll suddenly get all warm and fuzzy.
Let's just get back to training and forget this ever happened.
勘違いするなよ? 充実感や達成感など俺は微塵も感じていない。ただ、時間を浪費しただけだ。





오의 발동

This has your name on it.贈り物だ
Do I look merry?浮かれる俺ではない
Here, take this!せいぜい受け取れ
You've shown your weakness.そこが弱点か


Can't lift these gifts…贈り物が…重い…


I'm Felix. Smirk at this outfit and I'll run you through.フェリクスだ。この扮装は…笑いたければ笑え。
What?! You think because I'm dressed like this, you can bother me?…何をする!? 珍しいからといってベタベタ触るな!
We should be training, not wasting our time with this foolishness.こんな祭りに費やす時間があるなら鍛錬したいんだがな。
Sylvain would enjoy this stupid festival, no doubt.チッ…シルヴァンあたりが喜びそうな、浮かれた祭りだ。
What do I want? A new weapon. One forged by a master of the craft.欲しいもの? 新しい武器だ。名匠の手によるものなら尚いい。
A night of celebration, shared with family... A hideous notion.家族と過ごす聖なる夜…。フン…くだらん感傷だ。
As much as I hate this frivolous festival... I don't hate seeing you smile.祭りは苦手だ。だが…お前が喜ぶ顔を見るのは悪くない。

아군 턴 터치

If I have to.仕方ない
I'll deliver.届けてやる

캐릭터 페이지로