고독한 늑대의 검 펠릭스/대사


I am Felix Hugo Fraldarius. Swordplay is my only interest. Don't waste my time with anything else.フェリクス=ユーゴ=フラルダリウス。俺は剣以外に興味はない。そのつもりで扱うことだな。

Swordsmanship may be my main interest, but I know my way around a battlefield.俺は剣以外のことはわからん。しかし、戦場ですべきことはよくわかっているつもりだ。
Only a fool would sit back and rely on social status or a Crest. Train hard. Skill is everything.紋章や家柄に頼るのは愚か者のすることだ。鍛錬で得た力以外に価値はない。
Ugh—Sylvain's causing trouble again. But if I make a scene stopping him, Ingrid's going to lecture us both...チッ、またシルヴァンが余計なことを…いや、ここで波風立てると、二人まとめてイングリットに説教されるな。
I want to learn from the Heroes who have been tested by the toughest battles. Their skills are the real thing.異界の名だたる英雄たちの死地をくぐり抜けた本物の技量。見習いたいものだ。
Even in this world, people expect me to play nice with the boar? Hmph. I'll handle things my own way.チッ…この世界に来てまで猪たちと馴れ合わさせるつもりか。俺のやり方で動かせてもらうぞ。

친구 방문

I'm Felix. I'm here to see how your best fighters compare to the ones in [Friend]'s castle.俺はフェリクス。現在の配属先は[フレンド]の城だ。この城で一番強い奴を出してもらおう。

레벨 업

Too easy. Attack me all at once next time.他愛もない。次はまとめてかかってこい。
Weak opponents don't interest me.弱い相手など、俺は求めていない。
Hmph. I've been too cautious...フン、慎重になりすぎたか…。


Looks like I've gotten the hang of it. But I won't get complacent.ようやく掴めてきたか。だが、この程度で満足はしない。

5성 40레벨 달성

I'll be honest—I was pretty annoyed when you yanked me into this world without my consent.
Once I got used to it, though, I began to see the appeal of the place. I might even prefer to stay.
My professors from Garreg Mach are all here—along with so many other strong fighters to watch and study.
You might have been able to talk me into helping Askr for its own sake, but with all these learning opportunities...
Well, let's just say I don't need any convincing. This is as good a chance as any to sharpen my skills.
So, consider me in for the long haul. I want to see how far I can go without relying on my status as a noble.





오의 발동

Too slow!遅い!
Is that all?その程度か
An opening!見えた!


Can't lift my weapon.俺の剣は…届かないか…


Call me Felix. My family name? What does that matter?俺の名はフェリクス。…家? どうでもいいだろう、そんなものは。
Stop that. If you want to fight me, say so.!? なんのつもりだ。勝負ならいつでも相手になってやる。
Skilled sparring partners wherever I look. This will be fun.ここには腕の立つものが多いと聞く。楽しみだな。
Dimitri? Ugh, what has the boar done this time?ディミトリ? あの猪がどうかしたのか。
Give me the name of your best blacksmith. I can't entrust my weapon to some flailing incompetent.ここで一番腕の立つ鍛冶屋を教えろ。生半可な奴には任せられない。
Wherever I go, I am met by the specter of war.どこへ行こうと戦いからは逃れられないようだな…
Enough talk, Summoner. Let your sword speak for you... What? You don't wield one?召喚師よ、お前の腕を見せてもらいたい。…何? 剣は嗜まないのか?

아군 턴 터치

I'll do it.俺が行こう

캐릭터 페이지로