고귀한 다과회 페르디난트/대사
I am Ferdinand von Aegir! As your new server, I will personally see that you are fully fed and refreshed! | このフェルディナント=フォン=エーギル!給仕役を任されたからには全力をもって茶会を盛り立てよう! |
I have been told the teas in Askr could stand toe to toe with Fódlan's finest. I will have to test them. | フォドラに負けず劣らずアスク王国にもよい茶葉があるのだな。しっかり吟味させてもらおうか。 |
Amidst war, tea parties are necessary intervals of calm. They give us time to reflect on our reasons for fighting. | 茶会は、戦いの中のひとときの平和。我々がなんのために戦うのかあらためて実感できる瞬間だよ。 |
As your server, I would be more than happy to bring the snacks— Hang on. Some appear to be missing... | 茶菓子の管理も給仕の役目だ。しかし、変だな。茶会の数以上に茶菓子が減っている気がする…。 |
If you need anything, please tell me. As your server, all I wish is for you to come away satisfied. | なにか必要なものがあれば遠慮なく申し付けてほしい。貴族の誇りにかけて用意しよう。 |
I made these teas myself. Each is of the highest quality, as you can tell by their aromas. | この紅茶は、私が用意したもの。自信を持ってお勧めできる香り高き逸品ばかりだよ。 |
친구 방문
I am Ferdinand von Aegir! I brought something to accompany your tea, courtesy of [Friend]. | フェルディナント=フォン=エーギル![フレンド]の城から茶菓子の追加をお持ちした! |
레벨 업
An exceptional tea party! One of my best, I daresay. | 素晴らしき茶会の時間に華を添えることができ、光栄に思う! |
Small sips. | 見たまえ、これが高貴なる茶会だ! |
Oh dear... I may have oversteeped it. | 肩に力が入りすぎたか…。 |
Your kindness is noted, though I would happily perform my duties without any recognition. | 計らいに感謝する。給仕の責任、必ず果たしてみせよう。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Welcome to the tea party! By all means, have a sip. Do you like it? Delicious, no? There are those who would look askance at us for sitting down for a tea party during wartime... But you and I know that times of great conflict are when such things are most vital. For nothing facilitates a discussion about hopes and ideals quite like a good, fragrant pot of tea. One cannot begin to envision a bright future without room to relax and stretch one's mind. I firmly believe that—and I think it holds true for everyone, of noble birth and otherwise. So no, I don't see tea parties as a waste of time at all. Indeed, I think their benefits are quite profound. | やあ、[召喚師]。君も茶会に来てくれたのだね。さあ、遠慮なく味わってくれ。 戦いの最中に茶会とは何事か、と眉間にしわを寄せる御仁もいるが私はそうは思わない。 戦いの最中だからこそ必要なのだよ。美味しい茶を飲みながら理想と希望を語らう時間がね。 貴族はつねに優雅であれ。心にゆとりがなければ光ある未来は描けはしない。 もちろん、貴族ばかりじゃない。私は皆に茶を味わってほしいと心から思っているよ。 茶会が人と人の心をつなぎ明日への希望となる。貴族として、私はその手助けをしよう! |
- | せやぁっ! |
- | どうだい! |
- | うぐっ! |
- | なんの! |
오의 발동
Welcome to the party. | ようこそ! |
Comfortable? | くつろぎたまえ |
Lovely aroma, no? | いい香りだろう? |
No need to thank me. | 礼には及ばんよ |
Save...the tea... | 茶が…こぼれてしまう… |
- | ふふっ |
Thank you for choosing me to be your server today. You have excellent taste. | 私を給仕に選ぶとは見る目がある! 最高の時間を約束しよう。 |
Oh! *chuckle* Careful! I almost spilled your tea! | おおおあああああ! 茶をこぼすところだったじゃないか! |
This is one of my favorite teas. *sniff* Do you smell that fragrance? A delight for the senses! | うーん、いい香りだ。見たまえ、これこそが最高の茶というものだ! |
The tastiest teas are the most fragrant ones. Ah! You may want to make a note of that! | 私は香り高い茶が大好きなのだよ。覚えておきたまえ。 |
A pleasant conversation is the perfect complement to a nice cup of tea. | 美味しい茶を飲みながら語らう時間の楽しさは、よく知っているよ。 |
We seem to be running out of cakes surprisingly quickly. Hmm... | む…? 何やら茶菓子の減りが早いような… |
Please, have a seat! I've brewed something particularly special with you in mind. | 君にはもちろん、特等席で私の淹れた茶を楽しんでもらうよ! |
아군 턴 터치
Ready to serve. | 呼んだかね? |
Next up? | さて、次は… |
While it's hot. | 冷めないうちに |