배신의 기사 페르난/대사


I am Fernand, and my fealty is earned, not given. You have a lot of work ahead of you, "Summoner."フェルナンだ。お前が俺の主にふさわしい器か見定めさせてもらうぞ。

To think I was brought here by a plebeian masquerading as a summoner. A cruel joke indeed.この俺が庶民の召喚師なんぞに使役されねばならんとは…納得がいかんな。
I once belonged to the Deliverance... but I eventually had to take my leave. I serve Lord Berkut of Rigel now.ソフィア解放軍にいたが離脱した。今はリゲル帝国のベルクトさまの元にいる。
If you insist on ordering me around, you should at least look the part. I'd start with a change of clothes.お前…何だ? その貧相な風体は。この俺の上に立つ者だというのならもっと堂々と振舞え。
Take care not to send me into battle with any rabble from the Deliverance. It would not end well, I assure you.忌々しい顔が多いな…おい、くれぐれも俺を解放軍の連中と組ませてくれるなよ。
Can't you see that I'm busy? There's too much to learn about this world to spend my time entertaining you.この世界について知るために書物を読んでいる。邪魔をするな。

친구 방문

It's rude to keep a noble waiting, you know. Allow me to deliver this from [Friend] and be done.挨拶に来てやったぞ。[フレンド]からだ。いつまで待たせる気だ?

레벨 업

Proper form, perfect precision... Though who would expect anything less from true nobility?いい手応えだ。この調子でいきたいものだ。
This will have to do.まあまあだな。悪くはない。
Damn it all...ええい、くそっ!


A wise choice. You will not regret it.賢い選択だ。後悔はさせない。

5성 40레벨 달성

Long ago, I formed the Deliverance with two like-minded souls, Clive and Mathilda, to save our homeland.
Those were the days. We fought as one heart and mind for Zofia, inching ever closer to our shared goal.
But along the way, something changed. I blamed Clive at first, but perhaps the fault is my own.
I can't say I enjoy being under your command, but it is a distraction, and for that I am grateful.
Someday I shall quell the doubts in my mind... For now, however, you have my lance.





오의 발동

Know your place.身の程知らずが
Foolish rabble!下賤の輩が!
Don't get in my way.邪魔をするな!




I am Fernand, a son of Zofia—but my ties there are in the past.俺の名はフェルナン。ソフィアの生まれだが故郷は捨てた。
Mind yourself, plebian. This is no time for levity.…軽々しく触れるな。冗談に付き合う気分じゃない。
Imagine me taking orders from some wretched farmchild... Hah! Not likely.あんな平民の小僧がリーダーだと? 納得できるものか。
Lord Berkut shares my perspective. That alone earns him my trust.ベルクト様は俺の理想を託すにふさわしいお方だ。
Seeing children about the castle grounds, I'm reminded of my— Ah, it is better to forget.この城には小さな子供もいるのか。きょうだいたちを思い出すな…
Why, Clive... Why wouldn't you listen?クレーベ、何故…どうしてわかってくれない…!?
You may be a complete stranger, but...you have my trust. For now.お前は得体の知れない奴だが…とりあえず信用してやる。

아군 턴 터치

Hasty, are we?早計だな
Give no quarter.蹴散らしてやる

캐릭터 페이지로