전설의 창기사 핀/대사


As one of Leonster's knights of the lance, I swear on my weapon that I will become your strength.私はレンスターの槍騎士フィン。あなたの力となろう、この槍にかけて。

This realm rules over different eras and different worlds... There's someone I'd like to see. Perhaps...ここは異なる時と空を統べる地…まさか、このような形であの方とお会いすることになるとは…
I was blessed with a just lord—one worthy of my loyalty. I was proud to serve him.
But when the time came... I could do nothing.
Do you always patrol the castle like this? I see you take your responsibility seriously. Take care of yourself, too.いつもこうして城内の見回りを?皆への心配りも大切だが、貴方自身の休息もお忘れなきよう。
Could you tour the castle with me? I must be sure of everything, should an emergency arise.時間があれば、城の案内をお願いしたい。いざという時、お役に立てるように。
I was repairing my lance. My liege gave it to me... It serves as a symbol of my loyalty.槍の手入れをしていた。この槍は、主君から授かった…我が忠誠の証でもある。

친구 방문

I am Finn, and I've been tasked with bringing you a greeting. It's from [Friend].私はフィン。[フレンド]からの挨拶を届けに参りました。

레벨 업

This is worthy of the lance I wield.この槍に恥じぬ強さを。
Strength is an accumulation of efforts made day by day.強さとは、日々の積み重ねだ。
Can I achieve no more?私は、ここまでなのか…


From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. I'll repay you on the battlefield, lance in hand.心より感謝を。返礼は戦場での槍働きにて。

5성 40레벨 달성

I must express to you my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for allowing me to stay by your side.
As a knight, fighting for my lord is not just my duty. It does me honor.
Long before I came here, I was blessed to serve a remarkable man, and grateful for it.
I feel now as I did then...
Yet still, regret pierces me. My lord lost his life. I was ordered to remain behind that day, but even so...
It stings. And so I shall stay by your side until the very end. I swear it on the lance I wield.




Pain... (won't stop me)!痛みなど…!

오의 발동

I'll never back down!守り通す!
This is my duty!騎士として!
For my country!祖国のために!
I do not fear death.死は恐れぬ!


Lord Leif... Please...リーフ様…どうか…


Lord Leif's safety comes first.リーフ様はご無事だろうか…?
Hm? Oh, sorry. I was miles away.!? すまない、考え事をしていた。
Ever since my country fell, my tears have run dry.祖国が落ちてから…涙は枯れてしまったようだ…
One day, we will take back our realm. As long as Lord Leif lives...リーフ様さえいてくだされば、いつの日か必ず祖国は蘇る…
In the end, what happens to me doesn't matter. Everything I do is for Lord Leif.この命にかえても、私はリーフ様を…
Lord Quan... I...キュアン様…私は…
I put my life in your hands. All I ask in return is that you lend Lord Leif your strength...私の命をお預けする。どうか、リーフ様のお力に…

아군 턴 터치

Where am I needed?どうすべきか…?
We must make haste!急ごう

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