한여름의 이리아 기사 피오라/대사


I am Fiora, pegasus knight of Ilia. If my subordinates saw me like this... they wouldn't know what to think.イリア天馬騎士団のフィオーラです。この水着という軽装…部隊の風紀が乱れてしまうのではないかと…

This mission is nothing like any I've been assigned before... Even so, I will do my best—in Ilia's name!今回の任務は、今までと勝手が違いますね…ですがイリアの誇りを胸に頑張ります…!
Pegasus knights such as myself were raised among the mountains of Ilia... the exact opposite of a sunny beach.私たち天馬騎士団を育んだのは雪に覆われたイリアの山々…常夏の海とは正反対の場所でした。
Clothes like these might be more fitting for Farina—or even Florina...このような装いになるのでしたらファリナやフロリーナのほうが私よりも似合うと思うのですが…
The sound of the waves is so nice... It leaves me feeling relaxed, even after an exhausting battle.波の音が心地いいですね…戦いで疲弊した心と身体が蘇っていくようです。
The sea looks wonderful from above, you know... Would you like me to show you, [Summoner]?空から見る海も素敵ですよ。[召喚師]さんも一緒に飛んでみませんか?

친구 방문

I come bearing summertime greetings from [Friend].[召喚師]さん、[フレンド]さんより夏のご挨拶に参りました。

레벨 업

I hope to keep riding this wave!この波に乗ってみます!
Seems I've grown used to this heat...暑さにも馴染んできたようです。
Coming from a country of snow... this heat can make life difficult.雪国育ちなので…この暑さはこたえますね。


Oh! A summertime gift? Thank you.真夏の贈り物ですね…感謝します。

5성 40레벨 달성

My sisters and I were raised in Ilia, a country blanketed in snow. We never knew the rays of the summer sun...
Spending time on the beach has introduced me to a whole new world, exposing me to a new way of life.
As a mercenary, I feel I must learn more about what awaits me out in the wider world.
Being here has helped me understand how bright and vivid the world can be—along with the virtues of peace...
I suppose what I mean to say is... Thank you for putting me on this mission, [Summoner]!





오의 발동

No swimsuit can stop me!たとえ水着でも!
Glory to Ilia!故郷のために!
In Ilia's name!イリアの誇りを!
I'm not used to this!恥ずかしくは…


Florina... Farina...…フロリーナ…ファリナ…


This IS for the mission, right?任務のためなら…どんな格好も恥ずかしくはありません。ほ、本当です…
Yaah! Th-this is no time to test my reflexes!きゃあっ!? …い、今のは、私の実力を試したのですか?
Ilia is a snow-covered country, so I usually dress to stay warm...故郷のイリアは雪国です。ですので、こんなに肌を晒す格好は…
I encourage you to judge me based solely on my ability.見た目はこうでも…あくまで実力を評価していただけるよう励みます。
Sometimes I wonder whether everyone building sandcastles here has their priorities aligned...この水着は、風紀が乱れてしまうのではないかと…
Not just anyone can command a company of mercenaries in something like this.私は傭兵騎士団の部隊長で…ああ、でもどうしてこんな格好を…
I've never had occasion to swim before... Any advice?泳ぎは慣れていないものですから…あの、指導していただけますか?

아군 턴 터치

Can do.ええ
I must focus...集中しないと…
A mission?任務でしょうか?

캐릭터 페이지로