검사의 봄모습 필/대사


My name is Fir and I study the sword. Father kept shouting about the spring festival so I had to go see it for myself!私はフィル、旅の剣士です。父上から春祭りの話を聞き及び馳せ参じました…!

I've never seen Father dressed up like THAT before. As strange as it is, the spring festival outfit suits him.父上があのような格好をしているところはじめて見ました…意外と似合っているかもしれません。
I'd much rather be sword fighting, but if we're here to celebrate, then I'll give it my all!剣と違って勝手がわかりませんが春祭りを盛り上げるため全力で挑ませて頂きます…!
Enjoy yourself, but this is a serious matter. If you're not careful, someone will have MORE fun than you.祭りとはいえ、真剣に楽しまないと。どちらがより満喫できるか…いざ、勝負!
Mother, Uncle...I will use this experience to further my mastery of the sword. Somehow...母上、伯父上…この経験も必ずや剣の道に活かしてみせます!どう活きるのかはわかりませんが…
Gaudy clothing such as this isn't practical for swordplay. I can't tell if I'm wearing it right. Is this a prank?こんなきらびやかな衣装ははじめてで…着方はこれでいいのでしょうか?わ、私、騙されていませんよね…?

친구 방문

Time to be merry! You're invited to the spring festival by [Friend].[フレンド]さんから春祭りのお誘いをお持ちしました。ともに楽しみましょう、いざ!

레벨 업

A fresh spring breeze is at my back!春の訪れが私の背中を押してくれます!
The new season has revitalized me!新しい季節の到来で私も調子が出てきました!
Maybe the nice weather has softened me up too much...春の陽気で気が緩んでしまったみたいです…


Why, thank you! I'll be sure to train extra hard!この力を私に?いっそう修行に励みます!

5성 40레벨 달성

Have you seen my father around here, [Summoner]?
It appears he's been looking for me. I can only hope he's not troubling the festival patrons.
Father is a little... No. He's EXTREMELY overprotective. But it's his way of showing he cares.
When I think of it in that regard, I feel a warmth as though I'm being embraced by the springtime sun.
These thoughts help thaw our hearts and strengthen our bonds. I hope this festival can help us remember that.





오의 발동

Spring is here!スプリングハズカム!
Let's have some fun!陽気にいきましょう!
Rabbit war cry!恥ずかしくないです!
Hop! Jump! Smack!ぴ、ぴぴっ、ぴょーん!!


I'll keep bouncing...もっと…弾けなければ…


I'm Fir, the spring festival's best bun! Best bun-bun? Bun-bun-bun...は、春祭りの兎のフィルです! …じゃなくて、フィルですぴょん!
Whoa! You're crafty, waiting till I'm busy with the festival to launch a sneak attack!きゃー!? …もう、ただでさえ無防備なのに…
T-this outfit is...um...well, there certainly are a lot of unique customs out there, huh...?こ、この衣装は…世界にはいろんな文化があるんですね…
I do like rabbits. You can find them no matter how far you roam. They're delicious.兎は好きですよ。どこにでもいるから、長旅のときはありがたいです。
These ears aren't just for show... I can hear the enemy's footsteps!なるほど。この長い耳で敵の動く音を捉えるのですね。
Well... there is one person I'd like to show this outfit off to. But... Y'know...この姿を見せたい人ですか? えっと…いないことはないですが…
Let's put some of this bunny energy to a good use—training!春の陽気に誘われて、あなたと兎みたいに飛び回りたいです!

아군 턴 터치

Sunshiney warm!ポカポカですね
Getting colder...ちょっと寒いです
Hoppy to help!参りますぴょん!

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