빙설의 신부 피요름/대사


I am Fjorm, second princess of Nifl, the Kingdom of Ice. W-would this suit me...if I were getting married?ニフル王国の第二王女フィヨルムと申します。に、似合っているでしょうか…?

This is considered a traditional wedding gown in Nifl. D-do you think the style suits me?これはニフル王国に伝わる伝統的な花嫁衣装なんです。わ、私に似合っているでしょうか?
I seem to wear armor more often than I do dresses, so...I am a little out of my element.私はドレスよりも鎧を着ていることが多かったので…いつもと勝手が違いますね。
I am so grateful I'm able to participate in such a lovely festival—I've already started planning your thank-you gift!このような華やかな祭りに参加させて頂けるなんて…光栄です。この恩返しは、必ずさせていただきます。
My ideal...partner? F-for marriage? I, umm... Sorry, it's kind of...personal.理想の結婚相手…ですか?そうですね…その…す、すみません、今この場ではお答えしづらいです…
I wish Mother could see me in such a lovely dress. I'm sure she'd love it.こんな素敵なドレスに袖を通せるなんて…お母様にも見て頂きたかったです。

친구 방문

I am Fjorm of Nifl. I've come bearing an invitation to a festival, courtesy of [Friend].私はニフル王国のフィヨルム。[フレンド]様から祭事のお誘いに参りました。

레벨 업

Mother... Aren't I elegant?お母様…私、立派な花嫁になります。
I'll be careful, and put one foot in front of the other.しっかり一歩ずつ前へ進みます。
Wearing unusual clothes... makes me nervous.慣れない衣装で…緊張しているのでしょうか。


I owe you so much, I worry I will never repay my debt.受けた恩は必ずお返しいたします。たとえ、一生かかったとしても。

5성 40레벨 달성

I never imagined I would wear a dress like this one day. Especially at a crowded festival. It's...awkward.
When you helped me fight for Nifl, my home, there wasn't any time to reflect on what normal life is like...
But now, having dressed as a bride, I can feel the weight of the peace we seek resting on my shoulders again.
A world where we can spend our lives surrounded by loved ones... That is the life I want for everyone.
And so I'd like to renew my vow to help build a peaceful world with you, [Summoner]—together!





오의 발동

For the one I love!愛する人のため!
So close to my dream!今だけは…
I vow.誓います
To be a bride...花嫁姿なんて…


I can't be your bride...すみません、あなた…


Eternal happiness...永遠の幸せです…
Yes, dear.はい、あなた…
There's nothing wrong with my dress, I hope?きゃっ…あ、ドレスが乱れていましたか…?
I thank you. I will never forget our time...ありがとうございます。一生の思い出にします…
I have left my kingdom behind. If I am not a princess, then I'd like to be... Oh, never mind!今の私は王女ではなく、あなたの…い、いえ、なんでもありません…
If my brother and sisters could see me now, I would be very happy.兄様や姉様、妹にも見てもらいたいです…
To promise myself to someone, and to raise a family... I hope that I can have that, someday.…誰かと結ばれて、子供ができて…いつか、そんな未来が…

아군 턴 터치

I love you.愛しています…
Let's find happiness.幸せにしてください…
Careful, careful!半歩下がって

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