첫 참배의 얼음공주 피요름/대사


I am Fjorm, second princess of Nifl. I hear that some people plan their entire year on New Year's Day.
Let's set our goals together, shall we?

This may not be my typical weapon, but my brother Hríd and I trained with bows when we were young.
I should be of some assistance to you still.
Nifl is all but closed off due to the snow this time of year. Askr is so warm and cozy by comparison!この季節、ニフルは雪に閉ざされ外に出ることもままなりません。アスク王国の冬は温かいですね。
Thank you for inviting me to accompany you to the shrine. I already know what I'll wish for...
And I hope your wish comes true, too.
Seeing the dawn of the new year from the sky is like nothing else.
You can join me up there if you'd like. Don't worry, I'll hold the reins!
There is never enough time. We must take life one day at a time and stride steadily toward our goals.時間は永遠ではありません。一日一日を大切に…目標に向かって毎日を過ごしていこうと思います。

친구 방문

I come with a greeting for the new year from your dear friend [Friend].あけましておめでとうございます。[フレンド]様から初春の挨拶をお伝えにまいりました。

레벨 업

I'm so happy right now. Recalling this feeling will carry me through the year!嬉しいです…!この調子で今年も成長したいです!
I never want to forget this sensation.この感触を忘れないようにしたいです。
This means I'm not yet strong enough...まだまだ努力が足りないということですね…


Surely a good sign... I'll make this year better than the last.幸先がいいですね。今年一年も頑張れそうです。

5성 40레벨 달성

To be able to visit you for the new year is exactly what I wanted. It's made me very glad.
I've been reflecting on my actions of this past year, and I've decided to embrace new goals for this new year.
I don't want to spend my days idle. I will continue moving forward, and I'll do all I can with the time I have.
And also... I want to help you in any way I can. Even more than I did last year.
Well then... Shall we head to the shrine? Let us both make new promises for this new year.





오의 발동

Strike like Leiptr!レイプトのかわりです!
Let us celebrate!祝わせていただきます
Happy New Year!おめでとうございます
I pray for good fortune.良い年でありますよう


The year's just begun...新年早々…すみません…


I have never worn anything quite like this before... How do I look?このような格好は初めてで…あの、おかしくないでしょうか?
Oh, you startled me! I'm glad it's just you.きゃっ!? もう、おどかさないでください。
Are you familiar with new year's traditions like these?あなたの故郷にも、よく似たお祭りがあるのですね
I hope it is not too much to ask, but... Will you take my hand?少しの間…手をつないでもよろしいですか…?
Whenever I am with you, I feel such warmth.あなたといると…身体が暖かくなるのを感じます…
My wish for the New Year has already come true, hasn't it?…私の初夢は、もう叶ったのかもしれません…
Spending the New Year with you...makes me very happy.新たな年を、あなたと一緒に迎えられて…幸せです。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.そうですね
A new year!新しい年…
Let's go together.あなたと共に

캐릭터 페이지로