얼음 공주와 여름의 바다 피요름/대사


I am Fjorm, second princess of Nifl. Wow, the summer sun is so bright and warm...ニフル王国第二王女、フィヨルムです。肌に感じる太陽の熱、きらめく日差し…これが夏というものなのですね。

I think I saw Lady Nifl in a swimsuit just now... But that would be silly, wouldn't it?さっき、水着姿のニフル様を見かけたような気がするのですがき、気のせい…ですよね?
This tropical ocean is so calm and beautiful... Nifl's seas are full of ice. It's far too cold to swim.南国の海は、穏やかで素敵ですね。ニフル王国の海は流氷が浮かんでいて泳ぐには冷たすぎました…
Oh, would you like to share this drink with me? It's quite refreshing on such a hot day!あっ、この冷たい飲み物は[召喚師]様と一緒に飲もうと思いまして…!
Ylgr told me before how fantastically vivid Askr's ocean is. I'm happy I get to see it myself!ユルグからも聞いていたんです。アスク王国の海は、とっても素敵で色鮮やかだということを。
I've never needed to dress for hot weather before... I'm a little out of my element at the beach.ニフル王国ではいつも暖かい格好をしていたので…薄着でいるのは、なんだか緊張しますね。

친구 방문

I am Fjorm of Nifl, the Kingdom of Ice. I come bearing frozen treats from [Friend]!ニフル王国のフィヨルムと申します。[フレンド]様から夏を涼しくする氷菓子をお届けします。

레벨 업

It's nice to be so warm for a change. It looks like I'm enjoying summertime more than I thought I would!暑さがとっても心地いい…。夏のことを、好きになれそうです!
I can keep going! I think I'm finally getting used to the heat.水着にも慣れてきました。まだまだ頑張れそうです!
Whew, I feel a little faint... Do you think I overdid it today?少し立ちくらみが…はしゃぎすぎたのでしょうか。


Oh, thank you! Do you think this will help me become a better swimmer?ありがとうございます。これで暑さも乗り切れそうです。

5성 40레벨 달성

Summoner, look, the sun is starting to set. You can see its colors reflected in the water. How beautiful...
Thank you for teaching me to swim today. I was a little nervous, but the water actually felt very nice.
The ocean in Nifl is freezing cold and dangerous to swim in, so it's always been a scary place for me.
But I love the ocean now thanks to you! I never thought it could be so much fun.
I know I will treasure the memories we made this summer for the rest of my life!




Ow, ow, ow, ow!水着が…!

오의 발동

Waves of ice!氷の海です
Too cold?冷たいでしょう?
Feeling good?気持ちいいですか?
A wonderful summer.素敵な夏ですね


I need some shade...日陰で…休みます…


The sun is so hot! I feel like I'll just melt away.なんて眩しい日差し…。氷のようにとけてしまいそうです。
*gasp* That's cold—even for me!きゃっ!? わ、私だって、冷たいものを当てられたらびっくりしますよ?
Ah...the sun is really beating down, isn't it? I don't feel well. I hope I'm not spoiling the fun.あっ…。すみません、あまりの暑さにふらついてしまって…
I'm used to covering up… I've never dressed this way before.こ、こんなに薄着になるのは初めてで、ちょっと照れてしまいます。
Isn't this beach ball adorable? Let's watch it fly!このビーチボール、可愛いでしょう? 一緒に遊びませんか?
The ocean is so beautiful... I'll carry this warmth with me for the rest of my days.なんて鮮やかで美しい海でしょう…。永遠に胸に焼き付けてしまいたい…
Um... I've never been swimming. I might look a little...awkward. You're not going to laugh, are you?あの…、私、泳いだことがなくて…。おかしくても、笑わないでくださいね?

아군 턴 터치

So hot...暑いですね
I feel faint...眩暈が…
Here I go!今いきます

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