시치미떼는 아가씨 흐렌/대사


I am Seteth's younger sister, Flayn. Now that I have introduced myself, where exactly am I?わたくし、セテスの妹でフレンと申します。…何となく名乗ってしまいましたけれど、ここはいったい、どこなのでしょう。

It does feel a bit strange to be called a Hero... But I am nevertheless quite curious about this world of yours.わたくし、「英雄」と呼ばれるのは少々、違和感がありますけれど…この世界には、興味津々ですのよ?
My brother tends to stick his nose into my business more often than he does not.
Prince Alfonse is completely different in that regard...
Ah, might I ask what it is you are busy doing? If there is any way I might help, please do not hesitate to ask.あら、何をしてらっしゃるの?わたくしに手伝えることがあったら、遠慮なさらず仰ってくださいね。
Do you know of any place where I might find delicious seafood on the menu? Fish is my favorite, you see.美味しいお魚料理が食べられる場所をご存じありませんこと?わたくし大好きですのよ、お魚。
I have been speaking with everyone I meet here. I am delighted to learn about the lives of the townspeople!皆さんに話を聞いて回ってますの。わたくしね、市井の方々の暮らしにとーっても興味がありますのよ。

친구 방문

I have come with greetings on behalf of [Friend].[フレンド]さんの代理でご挨拶に来ましたのよ。以後、よろしくお願いしますわね。

레벨 업

I feel my strength has grown an incredible amount!とーっても強くなれた気がしますわよ。
All in all, I feel rather nice.悪くない気分ですわね。
Perhaps I have reached an age where my growth has slowed...わたくし、伸び悩むお年頃なのかしら。


I am touched that you would offer me this power. Thank you.力を授けていただけるなんて。わたくし、感激ですわよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

When I arrived in this world I was always bewildered and perplexed, but now I am only enjoying myself.
From food to clothing, everything is new and fresh here... The Askran people, all the Heroes...
Everyone and everything is a delight!
And then there is you, as new and as fresh as it seems possible to be.
Your presence is unique in its feel. Deep...and mysterious. Hmm...
You remind me of...water? No! A fish. I can try to grasp you, but you swim through my fingers whenever I try...
And like a fish, I believe if I ever managed to catch you, the reward would be ever so sweet...
With that, I have whet my appetite for fish, so I am off to find some... Would you care to join me?





오의 발동

I cannot lose!わたくし、負けられませんのよ!
Stand aside!どいてくださる!?
Child's play!この程度は朝飯前、ですわよ!
I'm sorry—it must be done!ごめんあそばせ……!


Mother... Soon...う……お母様……


Do let me know if I may help with anything.しっかりなさって
Do you know much about the ocean? I simply adore gazing upon the deep, blue water...海ってご存じ? わたくしね、海を見るのが大好きですのよ。
Do not worry, as I plan to give it my all. I love experiencing new things!張り切って戦いますわよ。何事も経験ですもの。
I do not need you to worry about me. My brother does enough of that for the both of you.心配されるのはお兄様で十分。わたくしのことは、心配なさらないでね。
How delightful to be somewhere so lively!やっぱり賑やかな場所のほうが楽しいですわね…。
I do believe I shall be most useful to you!きっとあなたの、お役に立てると思いますわよ?

아군 턴 터치

Of course!ええ
Is something afoot?ま、何かしら?
Away we go!参りましょう

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