추워도 완벽 플로라/대사


I'm Flora, a maid from Nohr. A festival of snow and ice is to be held. If you need anything, please let me know.暗夜王国のメイド、フローラです。雪と氷の祭りが催されるそうですね。ご用命があればお申し付けください。

The festival is fun, but I'm worried about Felicia. What if she gets too excited and blunders into trouble?祭り自体は楽しいのだけどはしゃぎすぎたフェリシアが皆さまに粗相をしないか心配だわ…。
Kilma, leader of the Ice Tribe, is Felicia's and my father. One day, it'll be our responsibility to lead the tribe.私とフェリシアは氷の部族の族長クーリアの娘です。いずれは氷の部族を背負って立つ身…。
A festival of snow and ice? I am perfectly prepared to help out. Let me know if you need anything.雪と氷に親しむお祭り、ですか。私は寒くてもメイドとして万全に働けます。なんなりとお申し付けください。
Would you like some frozen fruit? I chilled it myself. I promise it's both fresh and delicious.冷えた果物はいかがでしょうか。これは私が冷やしたもの。鮮度と味は保証いたします。
It's not every day we get to enjoy a festival of ice, so Felicia and I ordered new outfits for it. What do you think?せっかくの氷の祭りですからフェリシアと一緒に新しい装束をあつらえてみましたが…いかがでしょう。

친구 방문

I am Flora. This is an invitation to a festival of snow and ice, from your friend [Friend].フローラと申します。こちら[フレンド]さんから雪と氷の祭りへの招待状となります。

레벨 업

Be like ice. Be still. Wait for the right moment to strike. That is how the Ice Tribe fights.鋭さは氷のごとくいかなるときも冷静に。それが氷の部族の戦い方です。
I request that any and all who are unnecessarily loud please vacate the premises immediately.必要以上に騒々しい方々にはお引き取り願いましょう。
You have my deepest apologies for failing to meet your expectations...ご期待に添えず申し訳ございません…。


I am grateful for your thoughtfulness. I will be of use to you no matter what.お心遣い、感謝します。必ず、お役に立ってみせます。

5성 40레벨 달성

Are you enjoying the snow-and-ice festival, [Summoner]?
As a member of the Ice Tribe, I'm very proud to help put on an event such as this.
I was worried if Felicia and I were of any service in this world, with so many other great Heroes around...
Well, seeing everyone enjoying the festival has reduced my unease.
Both the cold of the snow and ice and the warmth of everyone's hearts have left me feeling happy.
Never fear. I shall continue to exert every effort to support everyone alongside my sister.





오의 발동

I'll freeze you.凍らせてあげます
Brace yourself.冷たいですよ
How exciting!楽しいですね
The power of ice!私たちの力で…


I went too far...浮かれて…しまいました…


A festival of snow and ice? How lovely!雪と氷のお祭り…胸が躍ります。
Oh, be careful! I know I'm quite cold.きゃっ…! すみません、冷たかったでしょう?
I've prepared you a meal. Please, have a seat and enjoy.ご馳走は私が作ったんです。たくさん召し上がってください。
I'm from the village of the Ice Tribe, actually. I miss it dearly.故郷は雪深い村でしたが、私は大好きでした。
Are you feeling sleepy? Care for a pick-me-up?お疲れではありませんか? 温かいお茶でもいれましょうか。
What's that? You like my outfit? Oh, thank you so much!このお祭りの衣装…え? か、可愛いですか? うれしい…
Spending time with you makes me so happy, I worry I might accidentally conjure up a blizzard...あなたといると、思わず吹雪を出してしまいそうです…

아군 턴 터치

Of course.はい
Where to?どちらにします?
Let's brew up a storm.楽しみましょう

캐릭터 페이지로