맑은 하늘의 천마기사 플로리나/대사


I'm Florina, and I'm a pegasus knight. Lyn is a dear friend of mine, and I will always do my absolute best for her.天馬騎士、フロリーナです。私のことを親友って言ってくれるリンのために…私、がんばります。

A long time ago, there was an ice dragon in Ilia who helped the people live through constant snow.
My sister told me that story to help me sleep as a child.
Lady Lyndis has been recognized as a noble lady of Caelin, so I can join the service of her noble house.リン…リンディス様がキアランの公女と認められて……私も侯爵家で働くことになったの。
All the Caelin knights are men, so it was a struggle to adapt to that... I'm still adapting, to be honest!キアランの騎士隊は男性ばかりでしたから、毎日、緊張していました……実はいまも、緊張しています……!
I found a lovely little spring not too far from the castle. I wonder if Huey would enjoy it...あ…城から遠くない場所に、ちょうどいい、泉を…見つけたんです。この子と水浴びに行っていいですか……
Nyaah! Was that— Was that a bee?!きゃあっ!は、蜂!蜂が……っ!

친구 방문

H-hello, I'm Florina. It's a pleasure. I'm always happy to meet a friend of [Friend]'s.わ、私…[フレンド]さんの友達です。名前は、フロリーナ…仲良くしてください。

레벨 업

Yaaah! Behold the might of the Pegasus Knights of Ilia! ...Wh-what do you think?えい、やあっ!イリア天馬騎士団の技を見よ!………ど、どうでした……?
I-I'm a full-fledged pegasus knight!わ、私だって、一人前の天馬騎士だもん。
I won't cry over this... I'm a proud pegasus knight of Ilia!泣いちゃダメ……イリアの天馬騎士として、私も誇りを背負ってるんだから……


Th-thank you so much!あ……ありがとう……ございます!

5성 40레벨 달성

Lyn's spirit is like the wind across the plains... Swift and bracing.
She asked me to stay by her side, to lend her my aid as her friend...
She's the type of person who makes me want to always do my best, so I'm happy to give her any help I can.
...Oh! The same goes for you too, of course, [Summoner]!
I hope we can keep growing closer as we continue to work together.


Fall down...!倒れて…!


Stop it...やめてぇ…

오의 발동

Take this!や、やぁーっ!
I'll face my fear!怖いけど、でも…!
Please just surrender!ど、どいてくださーいっ!
I won't lose!ま、負けないっ…!


But I came so far...まだまだ…なのかな…


I'm trying out the bow now. Just like Lyn.あの…ゆ、弓を使ってみたんです。リンみたいに……
Oh! Uh. Heh... Do you need something?ひゃあぁっ!? な、何するんですかぁ……?
I... Um... I want to keep getting stronger. To do my part.私、もっと強くなりたくて…お役に立ちたくて……
You like my new outfit? That's so... Aww... Thank you...この衣装、どうですか…? …ほんとに? 嬉しい…
Thanks to you, I feel like I can stand just a little taller.あなたのおかげで、少し自信を持てたんです…
I don't want to rely on my sisters and Lyn forever. I want them to see what I can do!リン、お姉ちゃんたち…私、がんばるね……
I just want to say, um... I'm happy to be with you... Aaah, no, pretend you didn't hear that!こ、これからも、あなたの…そばで…、…何でもないですっ!

아군 턴 터치

Um, sure!了解です…
Over there, right?こ、こっちですか?
I CAN do this.ま、まかせてください!

캐릭터 페이지로