모두 정말 좋아 포가토/대사


I'm Fogado, a Sentinel of Solm, and the first prince too... But don't worry about that part. Let's be friends!ソルムを守る自警団長フォガートさ。一応、第一王子でもあるんだけど、まあ気にせず仲良くしよう!

It's not as warm in Askr as it is back home. That makes tropical fruits pretty hard to come by.アスクは然程暑くない気候だから、大好きな南国の果実を食べるのは元の世界に戻るまで我慢かなあ。
Solm is a queendom, so I'll never be a ruling king. But I will always work to support my mother and sister.母国ソルムは女王制だから、俺は第一王子といえど王にはならない。その分、母さんや姉さんを支えたいんだ。
You're working today? You could take a break, have fun, make some noise... But I admire your hard work!今日もお仕事? たまには休んでパーッと騒いでもいいと思うんだけど…頑張ってる君のこと、俺は大好きだよ!
Let's have a party! Not every day the Heroes all gather in one hall. What an opportunity to get to know everyone!今夜は宴でもどうかな、召喚師様!折角英雄たちが一堂に会しているんだ、これは皆で交流する好機だよねー!
I've been gathering intel... Er, I mean going for walks and reading! I'm off to see what the other Heroes are doing.今日は情報収集…じゃなくって、散歩とか読書を楽しんでいたよ!今からは他の英雄に話を聞きに行こうかな。

친구 방문

My Sentinel duties include foreign relations. So here's greetings from your friend [Friend]!自警団たるもの、外交もこなすべし。はいこれ、[フレンド]の挨拶だよ。みんな大好きだってさー!

레벨 업

I've grown so strong I feel bad for my foes.こんなに強くなっちゃったら、俺と戦う敵が可哀想だね。
Thank you to all my enemies for helping me grow so strong!敵のみんな、ありがとう。おかげで強くなれたよ。
Hahaha... Sorry. I haven't changed at all.あはは…ごめん。全然変わってないや。


Wow! I'm so happy! I'm going to work extra hard for you!わあ、嬉しいなー!大好きな君の為に、もっと頑張るね!

5성 40레벨 달성

We've gotten pretty close fighting on the battlefield, haven't we? Let's chat for a bit, just the two of us?
Haha, you're busy and you're going to turn me down, aren't ya? No? This is a good time? Great! Love it!
You know, I've wanted some alone time with you for a while. I've been interested in you since we met.
How do you manage to capture the hearts of all the Heroes? I think it's because you sincerely care for them.
That's why I'll do whatever you need. Knowing we can talk, just us two, is really good motivation for me!
あはは、忙しいからお断りだよね。…え? 今は丁度時間があるって?誘いに乗ってくれてありがとう。大好き!





오의 발동

Time to party!パーティーの時間さ!
Just how I like it!好きだよ、こういうの!
Here we go!それじゃあねー!
Leave it to me!お任せあれ!


I can't...believe it...みんなに…顔向けできないや……


Back in Solm, I was captain of the Sentinels! If there's trouble, I'm here to help!俺はソルム王国で、自警団長をしていたんだ。お困りなら、力になるよー。
Ah, you're inviting me to a party? I'll be there all the way till dawn!わっ、宴のお誘い? いいよー、今日は朝まで盛り上がっちゃおう!
Since I'm here, I want to experience all of the fun this world has to offer! Any suggestions?折角だからこの世界の楽しいことをぜーんぶ体験したいな。おすすめは何?
Anyone ever told you you're a good listener? Well, I'd love to hear about what's going on with you!君ってさ、聞き上手って言われない? でも俺は、良ければ君の話も聞きたいな!
What a lucky day, getting to talk to you! There are lots of Heroes though, so I won't hog you all to myself.召喚師様と話せて、今日はラッキーだよ。英雄は沢山いるから、独り占めはご法度だもんね。
I leave the castle to travel all the time... but never quite as far as this!いつも城を放って旅をしているけど…今回は、ちょっと遠くまで来すぎちゃったかもなあ。
If you're in trouble, I'll do anything to help! As captain of the Sentinels, it's my duty to help people who need it.自警団たるもの、悩める人の力になるべし。だーい好きな君が困ってるなら、いつでも全力で助けたいよ!

아군 턴 터치

Nice. Nice.いいねいいねぇ
Where should I go?どこ行こっか
You're amazing!大好きだよ!

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