계절 중에선 봄이 최애 프랑/대사


I'm Framme, Steward of the Divine Dragon! I'm so happy to be at this festival. The Divine Dragon is...where?竜の守り人、フランですっ!春祭りにお招きいただき光栄の極み!それで、神竜様はどこにおわしますか?

I get to decorate and hide eggs?! Hmm, what should I put on this one... "Divine One, please, look my way..."絵や模様をつけた卵を隠すの楽しそうです。私は何を描こうかなー…そうだ!神竜様、目、線、く、だ、さ、い…っと。
Lythos never had a spring festival. But it looked like one when Divine Dragon Lumera's flowers bloomed.聖地リトスに春祭りはありませんでしたが、神竜王ルミエル様のお好きな花が咲く時期はお城がお祭りみたいに華やいでいました。
Sunshine and flowers... It's so nice! But I keep— Ah... Ah... Achoo! It's that flying flower powder! Huh? Pollen?暖かな日差しと花畑…良いですよね!でもたまに、くしゃみが止まらなくなって。え? 花粉? 花の粉が飛ぶんですか?
A spring festival with dragons from other worlds? As steward and fan club co-president, I'll make sure it's great!異界の竜族様達もおわす春祭り…!竜の守り人たる者としては、祭りと運営を最後まで全力応援する所存です!
Spring is about beautiful flowers! Like that blue one, or that red one... Hmm... Just like the Divine Dragon!春といえばお花見! ですけれど…あの青い花は神竜様みたいとか、あっちの赤い花も神竜様みたいとか考えてしまって。

친구 방문

Hey! I'm here to present to you a festive "How d'ya do?" from [Friend]![フレンド]さんから春祭りの挨拶ですよーっ!竜の守り人として、任務もばっちりね。

레벨 업

Yaaay! I did it! I'm gonna hop around like a bunny now!やったやった!うさぎみたいに跳ねちゃいます!
Oh Divine One... Spring Framme is doing her best. Nothing less.ああ、神竜様…春のフランは頑張ってます。
I got too distracted...again! Vander's gonna be so mad at me!羽目を外しすぎました…ヴァンドレさんに怒られるーっ!


Now I have the power to truuuly enjoy this festival. Full Framme incoming!春祭りを楽しむ力、賜りました!全力で盛り上げていきますよーっ!

5성 40레벨 달성

After being around all these people, I can tell you have sooo many fans, just like the Divine Dragon!
Huh? No fans? Yeah, right! You're so modest! Trust me, I can see it in their eyes. All the Heroes love you!
And the spring festival's the perfect place to give them a treat. Come on, spring is calling!
Feast your eyes on the colorful flowers! Decorate an egg! Shake hands with all your fans!
The Heroes will be so happy. I never thought a spring festival could bring this much joy! All thanks to you!
え、そんなのいない? ご謙遜を!視線でわかるんです。英雄さんたちは皆、召喚師様のことを気にかけてると…!





오의 발동

Steward of the season!守り人の春ね!
Spring's biggest fan!春祭り推しよ!
I'm just warming up!ぽかぽかするわね!
Spring engage!スプリングエンゲージ!


But it's not over...そんな、途中退場なんて…


In my capacity as president of the Divine Dragon Fan Club, I commend your splendid festival!春祭りの開催、おめでとうございます。謹んで参戦いたします!
Ahh! Am I not supposed to stand here? Sorry, must've gotten turned around...ひゃっ! ここは立ち入り禁止でしたか? 春祭りの会場には慣れてなくて。
I don't really care how cute my costume is. I want to watch the people, not show off for them!この格好、可愛いですよね。でも私は、見てもらうより見る方が好きです。
The Divine Dragon would look dignified even with rabbit ears on!兎耳の神竜様は、どちらに!? 何が何でも、目線を頂かないと…!!
Spring's the best time of year for fan clubs. Nice, warm weather, perfect for giving out pamphlets!暖かい季節はファンクラブ活動が捗ります。幾らでも外にいられますので!
If Vander and Clanne saw how much fun I'm having, they'd really tell me off...いけない、お祭りに浮かれてたらヴァンドレさんとクランに怒られちゃう…
Come on, Summoner! Let's go enjoy the festival! Or if you're too busy, I can wait around until you're ready to go.折角なので一緒に春祭りを楽しみましょう!忙しいなら、お仕事が終わるまで…ずーっとじーっとお待ちしてますね!

아군 턴 터치

Springing to action!春ですねっ
So strategic!お祭り尊いです

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