온화한 기사단장 프레데릭/대사


I am Frederick, a royal knight and a guiding hand in the Shepherds. Pleased to make your acquaintance.フレデリクと申します。クロム自警団の副長にして王城騎士です。以後、どうぞお見知りおきを。

The cloaks worn in the Order of Heroes are striking. I'd like to stitch a good recruiting slogan on them.ああ…特務機関の白いマント、とても魅惑的ですね…絶対死守の刺繍を施したくなります…
I have long served the royal house of Ylisse. I shall continue when I return there one day.私は昔からイーリス王家に仕え、王家の皆様のために尽くして参りました。これからも、その生き方は変えません。
I appreciate your checking in on me. I serve another master, but you have earned my respect.いつもお気遣いありがとうございます。私の忠誠はイーリス王家にありますが貴方のことも無碍にはいたしませんよ。
Would you care to weed the garden with me sometime? A well-tended garden is the surest sign of nobility.今度、共に雑草抜きをいたしませんか。貴方はアルフォンス様とシャロン様、私はクロム様とリズ様のために!
I stand ready with a hand-knit muffler to place about my liege's neck at the very moment he may sneeze.いつ主君が寒がってもいいように、襟巻きを編んでおりました。くしゃみひとつすれば、首にかけますよ。

친구 방문

Pardon the intrusion. I've come on a mission from your friend [Friend].
That mission? To pass along warmest greetings.

레벨 업

I will use this power to protect us!この力で、皆様をお守り致します!
Slow but steady—the best road for a knight.このくらいの成長は騎士として当然です。
Hmm. I need to apply myself more.すみません、もっと精進しますね。


I shall test my new power right away, picking up pebbles!この力を試したいので、さっそく小石拾いに行って参ります。

5성 40레벨 달성

Why, you're hard at work as always, [Summoner]!
If you're on patrol, please allow me to assist you.
I shall try to predict your path and remove any pebbles or weeds that might obstruct your progress.
My foremost duty will always be to the royal house of Ylisse—that will never change. But...
I feel I should make time to look after you as well. Perhaps I've grown attached to you...
Well, enough lollygagging—I have pebbles to clear. Please, don't mind me! Continue patrolling!




A mistake...不覚です…

오의 발동

Your last breath approaches.覚悟はいいですか!
Aaaaand now!行きますよ…!
Not while I draw breath!絶対死守します!
For milord Chrom!クロム様のために!


Must retreat...戦線を…離脱します…


A knight must constantly strive for excellence.騎士としての鍛錬は怠りませんよ
My first task is always the safety of the royal family.王族をお守りすることが私の務めです
Today, like every other day, I woke up early to clear away pebbles.本日も早朝に起床し、小石拾いを行っておりました
I notice there are weeds about. I shall pluck them until you can hire a gardener.足元に雑草が多いですね…あとで抜いておきましょう
The commissary is serving bear meat? I believe I shall skip dinner today.く、熊肉を食べろと…!? 衛生兵、衛生へーい!
Where could my lord Chrom be...クロム様はどちらにいらっしゃるのでしょうか…
Should we camp outdoors, you may rely on me for a magnificent campfire.火起こしは得意ですので、行軍の際はぜひお任せください

아군 턴 터치

Of course.参りましょう

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