성장하는 충절의 뜻 프레데릭/대사


I am Frederick. I strive to become a knight worthy of Prince Chrom.フレデリクと申します。不肖の身ながらクロム王子の騎士となるべく日々励んでおります。

Lord Chrom deserves only the most well-trained, battle-tested guardian.
I hone my skills that I may fulfill that role.
Lady Emmeryn accepted the role of exalt quite young. My lord Chrom shares her noble blood.エメリナ様は十にも満たないお歳で聖王の座をお継ぎになられました。クロム様はその弟御であらせられます。
My hobbies? I do enjoy foraging for mushrooms. When I happen upon a rare one, I nearly shake with glee!私の趣味ですか、キノコ狩りです。珍しいキノコを見つけると身体が震えるほど感動しますよ。
I fear no man or beast! Well...except perhaps that mountain wolf. Those memories are best left buried...苦手なものはありません。いえ、正直に話すと山犬が苦手です。思い出すだけで……あ、あわわわ……
Please, be silent... I am honing my concentration by focusing on this candle's flame until it dies out.しっ……静かに……このロウソクの炎が消えるまで集中を切らさない特訓をしています……

친구 방문

Hail and well met! I am Frederick, and I come bearing a gift from our ally [Friend].初めまして、フレデリクと申します。[フレンド]さんからご挨拶の品をと申し付かりました。

레벨 업

This honor is more than I deserve, but we must not celebrate until victory is fully ours!身に余る光栄。引き続き迅速に行動いたします。
Perfection is only attained through practice and time. I must persist in my training with diligence!継続は力なり。怠らず、鍛錬を積んでいきます。
What is Lord Chrom's status? I must verify his safety with my own two eyes, and quickly!クロム様はご無事でしょうか。早くおそばに向かわねば……!


I thank you. This humble knight is moved by your generosity.ありがとうございます。フレデリクは感動しています。

5성 40레벨 달성

Greetings, Summoner. How may I be of service? Oh, is there a matter you wish to discuss?
Ah, yes, the previously empty castle room. If I recall, you cheerfully agreed to my request concerning that room.
The Ylissean royal family requires suitably royal lodging, so I performed a few minor renovations.
After I deep-cleaned the carpets, I noticed that the walls looked quite barren. So I knit this banner...
It depicts Exalt Emmeryn, flanked by her honorable siblings. All three are draped in gleaming regalia.
Topped with the holy crest of House Ylisse, it evokes a sense of youthful vigor and new beginnings.
What's that? You'd...like me to move it? Perhaps a more public locale— Oh gods! I've forgotten to add a motto!
If I added cloth here... How about... "All Fidelity and Esteem unto the Illustrious Exalt and Her Kin!"
Yes, that should do. My thanks for your aid, friend! I will correct this grievous error with utmost haste!





오의 발동

I will protect them!お守りします!
For Lord Chrom!クロム様の騎士に!
No further!ここは通しません!
I must be stronger!強くなります!


Need more training...まだ…修行が…


I am Frederick. Please command me as you see fit.フレデリクと申します。何なりとご命令を。
*exclaim* Argh, this won't do... A proper knight must never be taken by surprise!!? こ、この程度で動揺していては立派な騎士になれません。
I spend my days training to become a knight in service of Lord Chrom.私はクロム様の騎士となるべく訓練しているのです。
Lord Chrom and Lady Lissa are still young, so I must be their shield.クロム様もリズ様もまだ幼い。私が守って差し上げねば。
Fear not! I have cleared all dastardly debris from our planned route.皆さまがお歩きになる道の小石はすべて拾っておきました。
Carrying so many pebbles is proving quite the challenge... But if I simply consider this training, no burden is too great!小石が重い…。しかし、これも訓練と思えば…!
If I am able to further develop my skills while in your service, I will be pleased.あなたの元で更なる鍛錬を積めれば幸いです。

아군 턴 터치

At once!はっ
Orders, if you please.どうぞご指示を
Leave it to me.お任せください

캐릭터 페이지로