물거품의 여름 프레이야/대사


I am Freyja, queen of the realm of nightmares, Dökkálfheimr. A vision of a summer dream called to me...私は悪夢の国、スヴァルトアルフを統べるフレイヤ。私を呼ぶのは夏の幻…刹那の夢を見ることにしましょう…

The steady rhythm of the waves reminds me of my gentle brother's comforting voice.柔らかな波音はどことなくお兄様の声を思い出させてくれますね。
A world of everlasting summer sun is no place for us denizens of Dökkálfheimr...
Though, I suppose I can allow us this momentary joy. It will be over all too soon as it is.
My álfar have come to the summery seas as well, hm? How wonderful this must be for them.私の妖精たちも海へ来ているのですね。よい思い出になることでしょう。
The summer sunlight glittering over the water's surface brings visions of my brother's smile to my mind...きらめく夏の日差し…お兄様の笑顔にこそきっと似合うことでしょう。
I am dressed appropriately for the occasion. I will abide no implication to the contrary.場に相応しい出で立ちをしてはいますが無礼な視線を向けることは絶対に許しませんよ。

친구 방문

I am Freyja, Queen of Dökkálfheimr, ally to [Friend].
I come with tidings of summer.

레벨 업

How long has it been since I've known the comfort of summer sunlight, I wonder...私はいつから忘れていたのでしょう。夏の日差しの、心地良さを…。
A fleeting summer's dream, vanishing at the slightest touch...これはひとときの夏の夢。うたかたと消える、いつか望んだ幻…。
Nightmares are meant for mortals...悪夢は人間に見せるもの…妖精が見るものではありません。


If you wish it, let it be so. I will cherish this memory and bask in it as the summer sun.これがあなたの望みというのなら…夏の記憶として、私の中に刻みましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I do not recall seeing the golden glisten of the evening sun over the waves before now, and yet...
I cannot escape the feeling that it is familiar to me somehow.
Perhaps I witnessed a similar scene within a dream once, long ago...
Dreams are fragments of memories and desires woven together, twisting like a vision in a kaleidoscope...
I must have, deep down, wished for this day, the day I would visit this place, these sands...
There was a time I... Well, I was not always the lady of nightmare.
But for now, in this moment...let me sink into a dream of summer love and reflect on those days now long past.





오의 발동

Gasp for breath!溺れてしまいなさい
Avert your gaze!何を見ているのです?
Nightmare upon you.悪夢を見せましょう
Drift into darkness.永遠に漂うのです




You brought me to the beach alongside my dear brother... So, you can be sensible.私とお兄様を海に…あなたにしては気が利いています。
*gasp* You'd dare touch my bare skin?きゃっ!? す、素肌に触るなんて無礼にもほどがあります!
So this is the sort of thing you drink in this world? ...I have no complaints.これはこの国の飲み物ですか? 悪くありませんね。
My beloved álfar seem to be enjoying themselves. I'm glad.私の妖精も楽しそうにしていますね。よいことです。
I am no mortal. Do not look at me as if I were.人間の分際で、私を凝視することは許しません。
I hope to enjoy the sun and sea here with my brother. *sigh* It has been so long since we've had such time together...もう一度幼い頃のように、無邪気にお兄様と戯れたい…
I suppose I ought to spend time with you here as well, after you brought me along...あなたとも少しは思い出を作ってもいいでしょう。さあ、行きますよ。

아군 턴 터치

I will allow it.許します
I expect better.従ってあげます
Into the waves.泳ぎましょう

캐릭터 페이지로