새로운 사신 강글로트/대사


I am Ganglöt. Although I served Lady Hel, the ruler of the dead... I now am left to oversee a realm without rule.私はガングレト。死の国の王ヘル様にお仕えしておりましたが…今は主なき死の国を預かっております。

There is too much light here. I cannot say I find it pleasant.ここは明るすぎて…私にとって快適な場所だとは言い難いです。
I served Lady Hel, the ruler of the dead. To rule the dead, one must command them.私は死の王ヘル様にお仕えしておりました。主な業務は亡者どもの管理です。
To have so many Heroes at your command is not something to be taken lightly. Impressive, in fact.こんなに多くの英雄を一手に管理しているとは…あなた方は優秀なのですね。
A nice stroll near the Death Gate might do you well. The damp miasma has a calming effect.死の門の辺りへ散歩に行きませんか?あそこは湿ったよい瘴気に満ちていて落ち着きます。
Since I have joined with the Heroes, I thought I should know their many histories... I have learned much.この機関に加わる以上、すべての英雄の来歴と特徴を知らなければと思いまして、調査しているところです。

친구 방문

I am here as a representative of [Friend].
If you should have any issues with your dead, I am willing to assist.

레벨 업

What power... This is almost too much for me to hold back.これは…さすがに私も興奮を抑えきれません。
Regardless of outcome, we continue.可もなく不可もなくというところでしょうか。
If Lady Hel were here... This will not do.ヘル様に顔向けできません…


A wise choice. I will see to it that this is used effectively.賢明な判断です。有効に使ってみせましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I served Lady Hel for a long time.
I was abandoned in the realm of the dead when I was still very young...
I was full of resentment and hatred for what had been done to me, but Lady Hel saved me.
Lady Hel would judge the fate of the dead with a cool, calculated calm, without the slightest bias.
In that, she has no equal.
It is that aspect of Lady Hel that I wish to emulate—to watch over all things with unbroken vision.
Free of hate, free of love, selfless. That is how I want to be.
Lady Hel was free of all passion... Completely.





오의 발동

Death is upon you.消去します
Die and serve.私は死の王…
In Hel's name!ヘル様のために…!


Lady Hel...ああ…ヘル様……


I am Ganglöt. I am the new ruler of the realm of the dead.私はガングレト。新たな死の王です。
I do not recall granting you permission to touch me.…っ! 無礼な…私に軽々しく触れてよいと思っているのですか?
Lady Hel was...magnificent. There will never be another who can rule the dead as she did.ヘル様は冷徹で迷いのない、偉大な死の国の王でした。
I am more a more appropriate successor to Lady Hel than Princess Eir would be.エイル王女より私の方がヘル様の後継者にふさわしい。
I will not stand idle. Give me a task or leave me to my business.怠惰な時間を過ごす気はありません。さあ、任務を。
Lady Hel... I hope I can live up to your example...ヘル様…私もあなたのように……
I am learning much from you and your ability to make consistent use of so many Heroes.多くの英雄を使役するあなたの手腕、学ばせていただきます。

아군 턴 터치

I see.いいでしょう
Do not linger.早く指示を

캐릭터 페이지로