암우왕 갼렐/대사


It was you who summoned me, huh? I'm Gangrel, King of Plegia, and you'd best stay out of my way!俺様を呼び出したのはてめぇか?ペレジア王ギャンレル…たっぷりと暴れてやるぜえ!

Wherever I go, it's the same story... A big, messy war that will bleed my enemies dry. Bwa ha ha!ククク…この世界も荒れてんなぁ。血が枯れ果てるまで終わらないドロドロの戦いを楽しめそうじゃねえか。
There isn't a drop of royal blood in my veins. I got here with a hunger for power, not some musty birthright.俺様は国王の血筋でもなんでもねぇ。だがよ…力と権力への執着心は誰にも負けねえんだよ!
Look at these chumps with their guard down. If I wanted, I could have all their heads in a pile.どいつもこいつも緊張感のねぇおめでたい顔してやがる。笑ったまま寝首を掻かれるがいいさ。
You can summon as much cannon fodder as you want? Perfect. I got a job in Plegia with your name on it!英雄どもを呼び出せる力があれば世界征服もわけねえよなあ…!どうだ、ペレジアの軍師にならねえか?
You know what I do to fools who are all bark and no bite? I shut 'em up with a boot in the mouth!力も持たねぇクセに吠える奴はただのゴミだ。遅かれ早かれ燃やされちまうだろうよ!

친구 방문

You really should work on your security. If I were raiding this dump, it'd already be a heap of ashes.
Be careful who you trust, eh? That's a little warning courtesy of [Friend].

레벨 업

Gwa ha ha! I love putting runts right where they belong—in the dirt!ギャハハハ! 弱え弱え!雑魚はそのまま寝ていろォ!
What, you got something to say? I'm just getting started, you'll see!まだまだ、俺様の力はこんなもんじゃねえからよ!
That's it?! Pathetic! Heads will roll for this!ああ!? これっぽっちかよ!シケてやがるぜ!


If I see something I want, I take it, simple as that. Gwee hee hee!欲しいものはすべて手に入れる!これまでも、これからもなあ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Normally, I don't have much to say to you, other than pointing out all the dumb decisions you make.
But there's something I must get off my chest before your foolishness gets you cut down.
You see, love, justice, destiny, all of that lofty trash—it's worthless if there's no bloodshed to back it up!
Don't let worthless emotions get in the way of cold, hard reality. These Heroes? They're pawns, not people.
You got power, so use it. ALL of it. Get your hands dirty, or you might regret that you didn't.





오의 발동

Beg for your life!命乞いしろぉ!
Oh, shut up!うぜーんだよ!
Just drop dead already!くたばっちまえ!
You're an eyesore!はい、ご退場~


*groan* Really...ムカつくぜ…


Gwee hee hee!ギャハハ!
I'm Gangrel, King of Plegia. You the summoner? *laugh* Thought you'd be taller.ペレジア王ギャンレルだ。てめぇが召喚師かぁ? シケた面してんなぁ。
You got a death wish or something?あぁ!? この俺様になにしやがる。死にてぇのか!?
If you're gonna ask me to fight, it'd better be a massacre worthy of my time!どいつもこいつも皆殺しに決まってんだろぉ? 飛びっ切り派手になぁ!
There is a truth about the world we must all learn. A man is either strong...or he is dead! Bwa ha haaa!この世に悪なんざいねえんだよ。あるのは強えか弱えかだけだ。
Truly, the heavens smile upon mighty King Gangrel this day! Bwa ha ha ha!ハッハー! 天もこの俺に味方してくれてるぜぇ!
Every man lives and dies alone.仲間なんざまやかしだ…人間は結局一人だ…
When it's kill or be killed...life or death...that's when you know who you really are.てめぇに何ができるのか、せいぜい見届けてやるぜぇ?

아군 턴 터치

Out with it!いくぜぇ!

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