암야왕 가론/대사


I am Garon, King of Nohr. A little worm like you, trying to take the measure of me? A futile effort!我こそは暗夜王ガロン…お前ごときではわしの魂魄を読むことはできぬ…

Many expect that a king will bring peace with his rule. Not I. I bring annihilation.王とは、国に繁栄をもたらす者…だが、わしが為すべきは滅びを与える事よ…
The Kingdom of Nohr and the Kingdom of Hoshido... All of it will be mine, as Anankos decreed.暗夜王国、白夜王国…諸共に…わしのものとなれ…ハイドラ神の導きのままに…
You! You're in my way. Cease your loitering. You are a mere tactician—do not think yourself above your station.うろつくな…目ざわりだ。貴様はただ、戦の指揮だけしておればよい…
What is your objective? You will join together with me, and we will crush our foes. That is our fate.何をしておる…わしと敵を打ち滅しにゆくのだ。それが、我らの定めよ…
Burn it all until even the ashes are no more... In time, even this world will be consumed by destruction.全てを燃やし…灰すら残さず…この世界すらいずれ飲み込まれ、滅びへ向かう…

친구 방문

So you are [Summoner]. I am King Garon of Nohr.[召喚師]とやら…控えよ…わしこそが暗夜王ガロンである。

레벨 업

It will be I, Garon, who rules Nohr and Hoshido as king—for all eternity!このガロンこそは暗夜と白夜に君臨する永劫の王であるぞ…!
Bwahaha! This... It comes to me, as is right...フフフフフ…ははははは!この程度…当然であろう…


Hahaha! Good! One step closer to fulfilling my ambitions...ククク、よいぞ…!これで我が望みに近づく…

5성 40레벨 달성

There is a difference between you and the preening and posturing fools here, [Summoner]...
You seem to have purpose.
Hehehe... Do not misunderstand me. Do not expect praise! Your life has no worth to it. No one's does!
I am no exception. Devote yourself to your land, your people, your wife, your children... They will all vanish.
Hehe...bwahaha! Do you understand? Everything...will be gone one day.
Together, all will perish. It is the will of Anankos, and I understand it acutely...





오의 발동

Vanish into the darkness!闇に散れいっ!
I relish this chance.歓迎してやろう!
You can't possibly win!身の程を知れい!
You are no match for me!無駄だ!


I refuse to accept...わしの…野望…が…


What business have you with Garon, the King of Nohr?この暗夜王ガロンに何の用か?
We of the royal family are descendants of the ancient gods, the First Dragons.我ら王族は、いにしえの神「神祖竜」の末裔…
As the inheritor of divine strength, I conquer those who oppose me with ease.わしにとっては、雑兵との戦いなど草刈りの如きもの
Corrin... I should have killed you when I had the chance.カムイ…やはりあの時、殺しておくべきだったな…だが…
There should be no path that results in my defeat. Not the King of Nohr...この暗夜王が敗北する道など、あってはならぬ…
To long for defeat at the hands of my own child... Inconceivable.わしが我が子に敗れることを望んでいた…? 馬鹿な…
This feeling... It is not unfamiliar. How long has it been since I felt this way?懐かしいな…こんな気持ちになるのは、いつ以来か…

아군 턴 터치

Come to me.良かろう
Oh, yes.歓迎してやろう
Well, well...ほう、面白い

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