대수도원의 문지기/대사


Greetings! What a pleasu—wait, this isn't the monastery! ...Askr? Uh huh... Well, thanks for having me!お疲れ様です、本日も異常なしで…って、ここはどこでありますか!?アスク王国!? 大修道院ではない?

You can hear all sorts of stories while guarding a gate. I ended up privy to a lot of what was happening in Fódlan.門番をしているといろいろな話が耳に入ってくるのでフォドラの事情通になっちゃいましたね!
It was my job to make sure no one suspicious got inside Garreg Mach. No villain will ever get past me!私はガルグ=マク大修道院の門番を仰せつかっておりました。不審者は絶対に通しません!
Getting called to Askr was a real shock, but I've got great instincts when it comes to stuff like this.
Although, I never could've imagined what it actually feels like to be summoned to another world!
Today...there is quite a bit to report! I saw a girl transform into a dragon! ...What? That happens all the time?!本日は異常ありありであります!先ほど女の子が竜に変身して…!え? この世界では普通なのですか?
Sharena asked if I was the gatekeeper everyone's been talking about lately... But why would they talk about me?先日、シャロン王女に「あなたが噂の門番さんですかっ?」と聞かれました。どうして自分が噂に…?

친구 방문

Nothing to report from [Friend]'s castle![フレンド]さんの使者として参上いたしました。この城は本日も異常なしであります!

레벨 업

You can count on me to protect the gates with everything I've got!門の守りはお任せください!そのために自分がいるのですから!
Let's battle with all our might and pray we win this thing, so that we both can survive!互いに生き残れるよう健闘と戦勝を祈念しましょう!
I will pour my heart and soul into improving so that I can become an even better gatekeeper.もっと一人前の門番になれるよう精進してまいります!


For me? Really?! ...In that case, I'll use this strength to make sure the gates are secure, no matter what!これを私に…!?頂いたこの力で門は必ず守り抜くであります!

5성 40레벨 달성

Greetings, [Summoner]!
Thanks for all your hard work! There's nothing to report today!
Um... That said, can I talk to you about something?
To be honest, I couldn't understand why a lowly gatekeeper like me was summoned to Askr.
I mean, there are so many incredible Heroes! You've got warriors, nobles, and even gods from all these worlds...
But you know what I realized? I don't need to be any of those things to help. Just being me is more than enough!
So I'm going to focus on what I CAN do. Even if they bring an entire army, I won't let a single enemy get inside!
Until the day comes when everyone in Askr can live peaceful, joyful lives, I will protect the gates.




I won't let you!いけません!

오의 발동

The way is shut!この門は通しません!
You're suspicious!不審な者め!
No one gets through!侵入は許しません!
Stop right there!ここで食い止めます!


They found an opening...申し訳…ありません…


Greetings, summoner! Nothing to report!お疲れ様です! 本日も異常なしであります!
Thought you could sneak up on me? Hah! Not a chance!わあっ…!? 業務の邪魔は困るのであります!
Being in a new world just means I have to stay more vigilant than ever!ここは異界とのことなので、一層の厳戒態勢で臨んでおります!
I'm under strict orders to keep my eyes up and stay on guard.私は出入りする人を厳しく見張る役を仰せつかっております!
Huh. There's no fishing pond around here. Where are people supposed to catch fish?ここには貯水池がないのですか? ではどこで釣りをすれば?
No matter where I'm stationed, my only concern is protecting the gate.どこであろうと、役目を果たすのみであります!
Nothing to worry about, summoner! Not even a suspicious bug could crawl past me!不審な者は蟻の子一匹通しません! ご安心ください!

아군 턴 터치

Where to today?今日はどちらへ?
Reporting for duty!お任せを!
There was something to report, wasn't there?

캐릭터 페이지로