응석받이 제니/대사


My name is Genny. Since I barely know anybody here...I'm a little anxious. I hope we can get along.わたし、ジェニーっていうの。知らない人ばっかりで心細いな……やさしくしてね?

This castle is so beautiful, I feel like I've become a princess! I wish I could just stay here forever...このお城、とってもきれいね。わたしもお姫さまになったみたい……!ずっとここにいられたらいいのにな。
Me? Well... I was raised at a priory. I do have a father... But I can't see him. I really wish I could.わたしはね、修道院で育ったの。いまは会えないけどお父さんがいるのよ。会いたいな……
I'm a little worried about you! You're always running around. You should follow my lead and take a nap.あなたって、いつも動き回ってばかりで心配になっちゃう……たまにはいっしょにお昼寝しよ?
I'm writing a story. Actually... I want someone to read it. Do you think you might have time later? Only if it's OK.わたし、自分で作ったお話を書いているの。誰かに読んでほしいんだけど……ねえ、今度お願いしていい?
... ... ...
Oh! Sorry, sorry! I was thinking about this new idea I had for a story. Would you like to hear about it?
…………は! ごめんなさい。いまねえ、お話を考えてたの。うふふ……聞きたい?

친구 방문

Excuse me... I was asked to bring you this greeting from [Friend].あ、あの……[フレンド]さんがあなたにご挨拶したいんだって。

레벨 업

Yay! I'm getting stronger, aren't I?わあい……!わたし、とっても強くなったでしょ?
Oh, this makes me so happy!えへへ、うれしいな。
Aw... That's disappointing.そんなあ……つまんないの。


How exciting! Do I seem any different to you?なんだかふわふわしちゃう……わたし、変わったのかな?

5성 40레벨 달성

Can I ask you something? I'd like it if you would visit more often. Will you spend some time with me?
If you find the time, we could drink tea or go for a walk in the woods or around the lake...
Is that too much to ask? I know you already come and see me a lot. I don't want you to get tired of me.
People always tell me that I'm like a little sister, but I want you to see me as more than that.
I'll do my best to get stronger and stand on my own two feet. I really hope you'll see what I mean.




No way, how?!うそ、なんでえ…?

오의 발동

You need to move!どいてよ
Now I'm angry!怒ったよ!
I do not like you!あなた、嫌い…


Oh, no...やだよお……


I'm here for you!はい、大丈夫?
Cheer up!元気になってね
Did you need something?えっ、なあに?
HEY! That tickles!やだあ、くすぐったいよ。
Well, you've got my attention!うふふ、甘えん坊さんだね。
You know... If I could, I'd like to meet my father.お父さんに会いたいな……
Just so you know...I'd do whatever I could to help.あのね、わたし……あなたのためなら、なんでもするよ。

아군 턴 터치

Here I go!見ててね!

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