여왕의 기사 제프리/대사


The leader of the Royal Knights of Crimea has arrived! Soldiers of the enemy, hear me and surrender at once!クリミア王宮騎士団長ジョフレ、推参!敵兵に告げる、これ以上の抵抗は無益だ。ただちに武器を捨て、投降せよ!

I am proud to serve my queen. To a knight of Crimea, such a responsibility imparts nothing short of joy.私の誇り――それは、女王に誠意をもってお仕えすること。それはクリミアの騎士として無上の喜び!
I was awarded this set of silver tableware from His Majesty with my knighthood. I could never part with it.これは聖騎士叙任を受けた折、国王陛下より賜った銀杯と一式だ。何があろうと…これだけは手放さなかった。
The Royal Knights of Crimea will not waste a chance to improve ourselves. It is how we will avoid another defeat.我らクリミア王宮騎士団は日々の研鑽を欠かさない。二度と不覚を取らないためだ。
Mixing this powder imparts a specific color to my flares only discernible by our allies.
This allows me to command even distant soldiers.
This lance is a physical manifestation of my loyalty and honor. I daresay it is the most splendid in all of Crimea!この槍こそ、我が忠義と誉れの証――クリミア広しといえども至極の一本だ!

친구 방문

I am Geoffrey, a lance paladin of Crimea. Allow me to deliver a gift from [Friend].私はクリミアの槍騎将ジョフレ。[フレンド]から贈呈の品を預かっています。

레벨 업

I will eliminate all obstacles in Queen Elincia's path toward Crimea's restoration!クリミアにエリンシア女王あるかぎり、王国は力強くよみがえる!その道を阻もうとするものは、私が討つ!
Have you the will to surrender? Your life will be spared if you do. Her Majesty frowns upon needless death.投降の意思はあるか?武器を捨てれば命は奪わない。我が女王陛下は殺戮を好まれぬ。
Do not panic! The enemy is looking for an opening. Should we act rashly now, we will fall right into their hands.慌てるな、敵はこちらの隙を狙っている!こんなことで取り乱すようでは、みすみす策にはまるようなもの。


I am at a loss for words... Thank you. Apologies. I suspect Bastian could have said that much better than I did.……感謝の言葉をお伝えする。すまない、ユリシーズならもっとうまく気持ちを伝えられただろう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I am hardly suited for the noble life. My older sister, Lucia, seems much more at home in the royal palace.
The title of House Delbray has felt like a weight on my back, if anything. But I am thankful for my origin.
First, it led me to meet my lifelong friend Bastian. Second, I met a queen deserving of my eternal loyalty.
How brightly did she illuminate all Crimea, even as a princess! Her radiance is difficult to describe...
With kindness and sagacity in equal measure, she can be summed up in a single word: perfect.
When the fighting became fierce and our overly optimistic plans fell apart, she rallied us on many an occasion.
Supporter became supported. I soon realized that Crimea and its people's burdens weighed heavily on her.
Bastian and Lucia realized this too. Indeed, I shed many a tear when she finally ascended to the throne.
It was then that I declared to the gods above my intention to serve and protect her with my life!
You must have a reason to fight, Summoner. Perhaps it is a topic for after the next battle ends.





오의 발동

Prepare yourself for justice!受けるがいい!
Knights! To me!クリミア騎士たちよ!
Hold the line!死力を賭して!
For Her Majesty!女王陛下の為に!


My queen...エリンシア…様…


I am Geoffrey, commander of the Royal Knights of Crimea.我が名はクリミア王宮騎士団長ジョフレ。
Ah! That was unexpected. I did not take you for the clandestine sort.うおっ…! 君は思いもかけないことをする。油断ならないな。
Come what may, I will remain by Queen Elincia's side. It is my honor and sworn duty.いかなる苦難があろうとも、エリンシア様と共に生きる…そう胸に刻んでいる。
Bastian may come off as insincere, but he is actually a considerate and reliable friend.我が友ユリシーズは、軽薄に見えるが思慮深く頼りになる男だよ。
I would willingly die for my country. My sister would do the same.死して祖国の礎となることこそ本望。姉さんも同じ思いだろう。
Queen Elincia... I swear that l shall never leave your side again!二度と…御身のお傍を離れません。我が女王陛下…
I will serve you in the same way I serve my liege. For you, I am prepared to lay down my life.君もまた大切な主。一命をかけて尽くすことを誓おう。

아군 턴 터치

I will give my all.努力しよう

캐릭터 페이지로