조용해진 중벽 길리엄/대사


I am Gilliam. Been stationed on the eastern front of Frelia. However, if this is to be my new assignment...
I swear to protect both this place and you with all my strength.

My armor's full of scratches. I got this one here defending Border Mulan in a siege years back.
The others are from my earliest days as a knighted soldier. Each of these is a story. Each one a mark of pride.
Keeping Princess Eirika safe from harm is the right thing to do, not just a service to our sworn ally, Renais.
My own Princess Tana feels the same.
In Askr, there are many Heroes of different experience levels. I will give them all I have to give.あらゆる異界から集った英雄たち。考え方や経験が違うのは当たり前。誰と組もうと、全力を尽くすのみだ。
I've known Syrene a long time—since she first became an elite pegasus knight. I know she has my back.シレーネとは長い付き合いになる。天馬騎士団に入団して以来のな。あいつになら、俺の背中を任せられる。
Acting alone out there in battle leads only to chaos. We must consider how our actions affect others.一人の身勝手な行動で作戦は狂い仲間を危機に晒すこともある。全体を考えて動くのだ。

친구 방문

I am Gilliam, an armored knight of Frelia. I am to deliver these goods to you in [Friend]'s stead.私はフレリア王国重騎士のギリアム。[フレンド]の代理で、この品を届けに参りました。

레벨 업

This body was painstakingly sculpted through consistent training. You will not find a single weakness!フレリア式筋肉鍛錬術で鍛え上げたこの肉体。一分の隙もあるものか!
If we're discussing strength, none of Frelia's armored knights can hope to match me!腕力ならフレリア王国騎士団でも俺の右に出るものはいない!
Even these muscles need rest every now and then.筋肉を休めることも必要か…


The armored knights of Frelia understand a simple truth: a day without training is a day wasted.日々の鍛錬は怠らない。それがフレリア重騎士の気構えだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been continuously impressed by your adept show of ingenuity on the battlefield, [Summoner].
It really is a shame your body isn't as hardy as your brain. Ho, how scrawny those legs of yours are!
Fear not—a few days of Frelia's resistance training and you'll be in the best shape of your life!
Be warned: this program is not for the faint of heart. It will push every single muscle, even your fingertips.
Muscles are the very fiber of your being as a knight, the thing that pulls you together and gives you strength.
In Frelia, we strive to keep every moving part of our bodies in battle- ready condition. Every muscle counts.
But, I've worked this tongue enough chatting. All that's left now is to prove your resolve to me.
Wait a minute, where are you going? Ahh... Maybe you do have pretty strong legs after all...
いいか? フレリア式筋肉鍛錬術は四肢だけでなく、指先まで完璧に鍛えぬくことを旨とする。
では、さっそく鍛錬をはじめようか。って[召喚師]!な、なんという健脚!? おい、待て!





오의 발동

Can't let our guard down.油断はできんな
For King Hayden!この命に代えても!
My strength is unmatched!力なら負けん!


I was prepared for this...すべて…覚悟の上…


I am Gilliam. Been stationed on the eastern front of Frelia. Good to meet you.フレリア東部国境守備隊のギリアムだ。よろしく頼む。
Looking to arm wrestle, are you? I'll gladly accept.ん…? なんだ、力比べなら受けて立つぞ。
No other knight in Frelia can match my strength.フレリア王国騎士団の中でも、腕力で俺の右に出る者はおらん。
I know I've seen many battles, but I'm still pretty young.俺は老けて見えるが、こう見えても案外若いんだぞ。
I learned a lot in Renais. I expect Askr to be much the same.ルネスにも学ぶべきことが色々あった。アスク王国もそうなのだろう。
Syrene has been with me since her very first mission. She's one of Frelia's finest knights.初めての任務の時から…シレーネは優れた天馬騎士だった。
I should show you Frelian resistance training. Think it would do you good. Oh, I can teach you—it's no trouble.おまえにもフレリア式筋肉鍛錬術を教えてやろう。なに、遠慮するな。

아군 턴 터치

You have a plan?どうする?
Fortune follow us.武運を祈る!

캐릭터 페이지로