일장석 글렌/대사


I am Glen of the Grado Imperial Army. I am the Sunstone, a name given to me by the emperor.私はグラド帝国のグレン。皇帝陛下より賜わりし【日長石】の名にふさわしい戦いをお見せしよう。

I remain ignorant of the emperor's plans. Both General Duessel and I questioned the wisdom of the war.私は陛下の真意を知らぬ。デュッセル殿もこの度の戦には疑問を抱いている…
The emperor said the rebel army invaded Carcino and massacred all in Port Kiris. It cannot be...賊軍はカルチノへ侵攻した。貿易港キリスで、戦う力を持たぬカルチノ市民らを次々に殺害したと聞く。
The army cast Valter out for his mistreatment of civilians. What lies could he have told to be reinstated?ヴァルターは民間人への虐待行為で陛下より追放を命じられたはずだ。なぜ将軍として舞い戻ってこれたのだ?
Neither I nor my brother, Cormag, will ever do enough in battle to repay His Majesty for appointing us knights.私と弟のクーガーは地方の農家の生まれだ。騎士に取り立てて下さった陛下へのご恩はどれほどの戦功でも報いきれないほどだ。
I keep this dagger at my side sharp at all times, so its shine reminds me of the brilliance I felt becoming a knight.懐の短剣は常に研ぎ澄ましてある。その輝きが変わらぬように……騎士となったときの心を忘れぬためだ。

친구 방문

You can tell a lot about a person just by looking them in the eyes. Your will resembles [Friend]'s.目を見ればおよその人となりはわかる。君も[フレンド]殿と同じ志をお持ちのようだ。

레벨 업

A wyvern's pride is steadfast. Gaining their trust rivals the challenge of a battlefield laden with enemies.騎竜は騎馬よりも誇り高く、己に劣るとみた人間には心を許さない。敵との戦いより厳しいかもしれんな。
As a servant of the empire, I am duty bound to obey His Majesty's orders.我らは帝国の将。ただ主命を果たすのみだ。
Mark my words, Valter: your crimes are neither forgotten nor forgiven.ヴァルター……私は貴様の罪を許しはしない。


As one of Grado's Imperial Three, I will live up to my name as Sunstone, containing the brilliance of the sun.グラドの帝国三騎として。太陽の輝きを宿す【日長石】の名にかけて、誇り高く戦ってみせよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

The one time I met the princess of Renais was when Renais and Grado were on friendly terms.
I spoke briefly with Princess Eirika, and I could sense she was a woman of kindness.
But I am told she and her brother, Prince Ephraim, are ravaging lands, and I am to capture them...
His Majesty never spoke one falsity to me, but I...I cannot believe the princess is evil.
I do not understand His Majesty... not his bringing strangers into the army, nor his invasion of Renais.
I have to find out what is truly behind his orders... I need to speak with Princess Eirika, and I'd like your aid.





오의 발동

For His Majesty...陛下のために…
You shall not escape!逃がしはしない!
I am duty bound to obey.主命を果たす!
Prepare yourself!覚悟しろ!


Your Majesty...申し訳ありません…陛下…


Glen, general of the Grado Imperial Army. I am the Sunstone.私はグラド帝国将軍、【日長石】のグレンだ。
You need something? What is it?!? どうした、私に何か用か?
As a servant of the empire, I am duty bound to obey His Majesty's orders.我らは帝国の将。ただ主命を果たすのみ…だ。
I cannot bring myself to believe Princess Eirika is evil. I cannot...私には王女エイリークが悪い人間だとはどうしても思えない。
My younger brother Cormag has been known to get... a little hot-blooded.クーガーは、我が弟ながら少し血の気が多くてな。
Valter, your crimes are neither forgotten nor forgiven.ヴァルター…、貴様の罪を許しはしない。
You are a kind-hearted soul. I place my trust in you.君は優しい心の持ち主だ。君を信じよう。

아군 턴 터치

Leave it to me!任せておけ

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