대현자 가토/대사
I am Gotoh, just an old man who grew weary of the world. Ask me questions you wish answered, and I will provide. | わしはガトー。一度は世に愛想を尽かした老人よ。請われれば、何なりと答えよう。 |
My disciple Gharnef has a great talent for magic, but his heart has been consumed by darkness. | 我が弟子ガーネフは優れた魔道の力を持ちながらその心を闇に囚われた… |
The Divine Dragon Naga sensed the decline of dragons. I now know she sought a balance with humans. | 神竜王は竜の衰えを察知しておった。なればこそ、人の世の均衡を願った……今は、わしもその考えを理解できる。 |
You need not worry over whether I have food or bed. Those who walk the path I do have no need of either. | 食も寝床も心配する必要はないぞ。わしのような道に入ってしまうと、そのようなものとは無縁となるでな。 |
And once this battle is over? Power can lead to corruption. If you so wish, I can teach you a way to shed it. | そなたは、この戦いの後どうするつもりか?高まりすぎた力は、自身を滅ぼすこともある。捨て去る術を求めたくば、いつでも教えよう。 |
Stars and sunlight, darkness, night... Though this world is different, that which comprises it is still familiar. | 星と光、闇……それに、大地と命。世界は違えど、世をつくる素はさほど変わらぬもの。 |
친구 방문
I am Gotoh. I am here to serve those who seek knowledge. Though, I must say this is a far cry from my true form. | わしはガトー。教えを請う者がいると聞いて参った。ふふ、実体は遠い地にあるがの。 |
레벨 업
I haven't felt like this since the wars long ago... I hadn't realized there was still room for my strength to grow! | ふふ…大戦に参じた、在りし日を思い出す。力みなぎる余地、まだあったとは。 |
Only those who can trust their own wisdom and courage can resist the darkness and follow the light. | 知恵と勇気を信じられる者だけが、闇に抗い、光の道へたどりつける。己を疑えば、そなたもとらわれるぞ。 |
Oh my... I seem to have stumbled. I wonder what Xane would say... | ややっ……つまずいてしまうとは。チェイニーに笑われてしまうかの。 |
At times, people can achieve feats beyond even the gods. Perhaps this is the fruit of such labors? | 人の知恵と勇気は時に神も考えつかぬことを成し遂げる。これもその結晶といえるかもしれんのう。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
The dragons, unable to contain their ever-growing power, had to give up on being dragons. But the world was full of humans, and so the fight to lay claim to the dragon's legacy began. Princess Tiki alone was hidden away to keep her from that world... But her contact with a human saved her. I do not believe everything a person does is as just as one may be led to believe by listening to his words. Even still... Perhaps the Divine Dragon knew this was the way to save both dragons and humans from doom. You, too, are a unique presence and are sure to play a grand part in this chaotic world. I see you now, like a great dragon that conquers light and dark. That balancing of the scales is what I once sought, as did the Divine Dragon herself. So...have faith. | 果てしなく強大となる力を抑えきれなくなり、竜は、竜であることを捨てねばならなかった。人は地に満ち、竜の遺産を手に争いを始めた。 そのような世界から王女のチキだけは隠しとおすつもりであったが……結果として人に触れたことがチキに心を灯し、救った… あやつが口を開くたび言っていたように、人の行い全てが正しいとは、わしも思わぬ。耳目に堪えぬ醜さのほうが多い……だが、 その活力こそ次の時代に必要であると…竜と人の双方を破滅から救う道なのだと神竜王は察しておられたのかもしれん。 そなたの存在も…この混迷の世において実に特異、ゆえに必要なのだろうと感じる。さながら光と闇を併せ呑む、巨大な竜の如し。 その天秤のような器量こそ、わしやあやつ…そして神竜王が求めた答えなのかもしれん。ふふ…己を信じ、堂々と生きるがよい…… |
- | はあっ |
- | 若いのう |
- | うぬっ… |
- | やりおるな… |
오의 발동
Ignore me at your peril! | 侮るでないぞ |
Begone! | お引き取り願おう |
I think not! | 参るがよい! |
Farewell. | さらばじゃ |
This is where I fall. | ここで…果てるか… |
- | ふふ… |
I am Gotoh. Allow me to offer what help I can. | わしは大賢者ガトー。老体ながら手伝わせていただこうと参った次第じゃ。 |
Please! Don't creep up on me. My heart... | おお…戯れるでない。心臓に悪いではないか。 |
Men are foolish...and I had sworn to let the affairs of this world proceed without me. But now... | わしは遥か昔、愚かな人間たちに愛想を尽かし関りを絶ったのだ。 |
There are those who call me the White Sage. | わしのことを白の賢者と呼ぶ者もおるようじゃな。 |
Gharnef's flesh may have been destroyed, but his spirit remains, sustained by a deep-seated malice. | ガーネフの肉体は滅びたが、奴の魂は邪悪な怨念となって生き続けている。 |
Marth, I entrust Tiki to your care. Please, do your utmost to ensure that she does not slip into the darkness… | マルスよ、チキを頼む。あの子を破滅から救い出してやってくれ。 |
Watching your struggles, I came to think that perhaps I was too hasty in my judgment. | 人間もまだ捨てたものではない…お前を見ていると、改めてそう思うのう。 |
아군 턴 터치
I go. | 参ろうぞ |
Hrm... | ふむ… |
Upon your word. | そなたに託そう |