의지할 수 있는 형님 그레이/대사
I'm just an average guy from a village in the middle of nowhere. I'll help out, if you want me to. Name's Gray. | 俺はグレイ。ただの村人さ。あんたが力を貸してほしいってんなら手伝ってやってもいいぜ。 |
This place sure is beautiful. So beautiful it's unsettling... Truth told, just being here makes me anxious. | ここ、たしかに綺麗なところだけどさ。綺麗すぎて落ち着かねえっていうか……なんかむずむずするんだよな。 |
When Ram Village was attacked, it wasn't like I could just do nothing. | 俺はラムの村にいたんだけどよ。リゲルが攻めて来たり魔物が出たり……のんびりできなくなっちまったのさ。 |
You on patrol? You look stressed out. If you ever want to unwind, just give me a holler. | よう、見回りか?あんま真面目ぶるんじゃねえぞ。息抜きしたくなったら俺を呼べよ! |
Where do people go to have fun around here? I know how to have a good time, so anywhere's fine. You've gotta show me around! | なあなあ、ここって遊ぶところねえの?今度案内してくれよ!どんな遊びって……そりゃいろいろだよ。 |
This place is messing me up. It makes the world I've known up till now feel so...insignificant... | なんか、ぼーっと……いろんな人がいるのを見てたんだ。俺の世界なんてちっぽけだよなあ…… |
친구 방문
Hey, [Summoner]! Hi there! That's from [Friend]. | よっ、[召喚師]![フレンド]がよろしく伝えてくれってさ。 |
레벨 업
I can't stand to lose. | 誰にも負ける気がしねえな! |
This'll do. I guess. | ま、こんなもんか。 |
Damn it... Not good. | あっちゃ~いまいちだなあ…… |
If you believe in me, well... I better not slack off. | へへっ、こんなに期待されちゃあ頑張らねえわけにはいかねえな。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Hey, [Summoner]... I have to ask you this. Why did you summon me here? Take a look around. Princes and princesses...even from other worlds. Everywhere! I have to laugh. You know I'm just some schlub from a tiny village in the middle of nowhere, right? You're saying you need my help? You called me here...because I'm a Hero, too? Joke's on you! I knew that's what you were going to say. But I'm surprised that you kept a straight face... If you really do think of me as a Hero, well... I feel like I'm stronger than anyone—even some king. | なあ、[召喚師]。俺、聞きたいことがあったんだけどよ。お前、なんで俺なんて呼び出したんだ? だってよお、ここにいる人たちってみんなどこそこの王子だとか姫だとか、すげえ奴ばっかりじゃねえか! 俺、ただの村人だぜ? 笑っちまうよなー。え? 俺も英雄だから……?お前に必要だから呼び出されたって…… ……よくそういうこと真顔で言えるよな。いや、薄々わかっちゃいたけど。こんだけいっしょにいりゃあなあ…… でも、そうだな。お前が俺を英雄だと信じてくれるなら……王さまよりも強くなれそうな気がするぜ。 |
せやあっ | |
おらよっ |
うわあああーっ!! | |
Wai-Seriously?! | ちょっ、まじかよ?! |
오의 발동
It's been fun! | そーれっと! |
OK! | いくぜ! |
Bye now! | おしまいだ! |
Sorry! | 悪いな |
Are you kidding me? | うわ、まじかよ…… |
Huh? | んん? |
You got me! Well done. | お前もよくやるよな。 |
Man... This whole situation just does not feel real. | はあ……、なんだか実感ねえなあ。 |
We're from the middle of nowhere. I'm talking middle of NOWHERE. | 俺たちの村、すげえ田舎なんだよ。 |
Work hard, reap the rewards. You know I'm right. | がんばったら、ご褒美くれるんだろ? |
I'm handsome, I know. But there's no need to stare. | いい男だからって、じろじろ見るなよ。 |
Always lookin' for the ladies. | どっかに可愛い子いねえかなあ? |
There's never a dull moment with you around. | お前といると退屈しねえな。 |
아군 턴 터치
Sure thing. | はいよ。 |
Let's see... | そうだな…… |
Alrighty! | よっしゃ。 |