일락의 동통 그리/대사
I'm Griss, second-in-command of the Four Hounds. Would you like to hurt me? Or would you prefer I hurt you? | オレはグリ。四狗の副官だ。オレを痛めつけたいか?それとも、痛めつけられたいか? |
Ugh, "hello" is so boring! Cut me with blades, crush me with magic! Doesn't that sound like a better introduction? | オレに構いたいなら、すれ違いざまに強烈な魔法でも叩き込めよ。ハハッ!それぐらい張り合いがねえとなァ! |
I will follow you, Lord Sombron! Give me blood! Show me hell! Stab me into your enemy's heart like a dagger! | オレはソンブル様の為に何でもした。あんたも、もっと残酷な命を下せよ!もっと血を! 地獄を見せてくれ! |
Perhaps we can strike a kind of deal. I will tear your foes from this world. In return, you'll give me sweet pain! | アンタの憎い奴をうまく消せたらご褒美をくれよ、召喚師サマ。極上の痛みを期待してるぜェ!? |
Hey, do I have more orders yet?! It's torture waiting around without something to bleed! | なァ、次の命令はまだか!?こんなとこで何もせずに待機ってのはオレにとっちゃ拷問なんだよ! |
Huh? This isn't an injury. I've simply bled myself as an offering! To who? Well, you, of course, Summoner. | あァ? これは怪我じゃねぇよ。血を捧げようと傷つけてただけだ。誰にって…あんたに、かもなァ? |
친구 방문
I've gone well out of my way to come here. So take this. A greeting from [Friend]. | [フレンド]の挨拶だ。折角態々足を運んでやったんだ…痛めつけて歓迎してくれよ! |
레벨 업
They're dying too quickly! We haven't even gotten to the fun part! | これじゃ痛みを与える前に殺しちまいそうだなァ!? |
Ahaha! I can still feel it! The ecstasy of gutting my foes and spilling all their pretty insides! | 敵を引き裂く感覚がまだ残ってるぜェ! |
What? Would you like more blood?! Haha! Then please, allow me to fight more! | なんだァ、不服か?じゃあもっと戦わせろ! |
More death? Haha! Oh, Summoner, you do give some good orders once in a while! | これでもっと殺せ、ってか?偶には良い命令を下すじゃねェか! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Haha! I knew I'd like you. Killing with you, I see just how gloriously cruel you are, [Summoner]! Oh, no need to be shy. You order us to fight and suffer pain, all while healing us right at the brink of death! Ha! How your Heroes have managed to cling to their sanity is impressive. Or, perhaps, they've already lost it! Good thing you have me as the voice of reason. HAHA! Say... How great would it be if this war never ended? Let them tear at me, but never allow me to die! Do that, and you and I can kill and be killed for eternity! AHAHA! | なあ[召喚師]…ここで何度も戦ううちに気づいたんだ。召喚師サマは誰より残虐だ、ってな。 だってそうだろ? オレ達を使役し、戦わせ、致命傷を負わせては治し、死なせることすら許さないんだぜ!? ヒャハハ! お綺麗な英雄たちは、よく正気でいられるよなあ!?もしくは、もう狂っちまってるのか? …その点、オレは平気だ。なあ召喚師サマ。これからもずうっと、永遠に、この戦いが続くといいなァ? 生かさず殺さず、じわじわと残酷にこの身を痛め続けてくれる限り……オレはあんたの狗でいてやるよ。 |
- | ほらよ! |
- | ギャハハ! |
- | ヒャハハ! |
- | イイねェ! |
오의 발동
I'll show you pain! | 痛めつけてやる! |
Rejoice! | 喜べ! |
I almost envy you! | 羨ましいねェ! |
Take your reward! | ご褒美だぜぇ? |
A mortal wound... | 致命傷って…やつか… |
*laugh* | ヒヒッ。 |
If you really want to get to me, try a blade. Do you lack the courage to do that? | オレに触れたいなら刃でも突き立てろよ。そんな度胸もねぇかァ? |
Oh, the great summoner is here? Shall I offer up my blood? | 畏れ多くも、召喚師サマがオレにご興味を? 血でも捧げましょうか? |
I'm dying of boredom. Say, is there a Hero you don't like? Why don't we murder them? | 退屈だ退屈だ退屈だ。なあ、気に入らない英雄がいるなら殺してきてやろうか。 |
You wanna die without suffering? Don't be stupid! Pain that exquisite is worth feeling. | 苦しまずに死にたい? 馬ァ鹿か!? オレ達は最高の痛みを味わうために生きてんだろ。 |
Promise you'll keep sending me into rigorous, gruesome battles... Got it, Summoner? | より過酷で、凄惨で、勝てる見込みのない戦に出してくれよ…なぁ、召喚師サマ? |
What am I to do alone in this soft world without Zephia? | セピア…あいつはどこだ。オレはこんな生温い世界で、どうしたらいい… |
You get a kick out of making Heroes battle, eh? As you wish...I'll fight covered in blood and drowning in anguish. | あんたは英雄を戦わせて、愉しんでる。そういう奴は嫌いじゃないぜ。お望み通り…血塗れで苦しみながら戦ってやるよ。 |
아군 턴 터치
Huh? | はあ? |
*evil laugh* | ヒャハハ |
Where's the pain? | 痛みはどこだァ? |