베른의 왕녀 기네비어/대사


I am Guinivere. My elder brother is Zephiel, the King of Bern. I must stop him at all costs.私はギネヴィアと申します。…ベルン王ゼフィールは、私の兄です。私は、兄を…止めなくてはなりません。

The Fire Emblem is the key to awaken the blade that can bind dragons. My late father told me this long ago.【ファイアーエムブレム】は竜封じの剣を目覚めさせる鍵である。亡き父王に昔、そう教わりました。
My brother...he has changed. He has awakened dragons, which will bring freedom to the world, in his eyes...兄は…変わってしまいました。世界を「解放」する、そのために竜を復活させるなどと…
Is it true that the larger a land gets, the more it must crush the hearts of its people? I hope not.国というものは…人の心を押し潰します。大国であれば、あるほど。ですが、それが本当にあるべき姿なのか……
Do you have an errand? Were you amenable, I would be pleased to join you.[召喚師]様、どちらへ?ご迷惑でなければご一緒させてください。
This castle is home to so many Heroes who have brought wars to an end...
I would very much like to collect their knowledge and use it to architect a lasting peace.

친구 방문

It is often that I hear [Friend] mention [Summoner].[召喚師]様のお名前は[フレンド]様からよくお伺いしております。

레벨 업

Let us move forward! For the good of all in the land!参りましょう!国の未来のために!
I have betrayed Bern, betrayed my brother...and yet, I am still proud to be of Bern.私は兄を…ベルンを裏切った身。それでも、いまだ私の誇りはベルンの民と共にあります。
Even if my name is cursed as a traitorous princess... My convictions will not waver.私の決意は変わりません。たとえ、国を売った女としてベルンの歴史に汚名を刻もうとも…


Yes. I am prepared.はい、覚悟はできております。

5성 40레벨 달성

My brother is not a trivial man who dreams of easily bringing the world to heel...
He sees himself as a liberator. I have heard him speak of it time and again, seen the darkness in his sad eyes.
No matter the justification, there is no cause to drag innocents into a war and steal their lives. Surely you agree.
He was so kind to me when we were young, but I know that those days are gone. And so...I must stop him.
With your knowledge and bravery, I believe that I can overcome any challenge. Please remain with me.





오의 발동

Cease this foolishness!やめてください
Reap what you sow!選んだ道を…
I have steeled my heart!覚悟は決めています
Forgive me!お願い…!


Dear brother...ゼフィール兄さま……


I am Guinivere. My elder brother is Zephiel, the King of Bern.私はギネヴィアと申します。ベルン王ゼフィールの妹です。
Oh! You gave me quite the fright. I used to play the same prank on Zephiel when I was a girl, you know.まあ…驚きました。子供の頃、私もよく兄にいたずらしましたわ。
I...I must stop my brother, before it is too late. I must.私は兄を止めたいと思っています。いえ、止めなくてはいけないのです。
Melady and Elen are the best retainers a princess could ask for. I have nothing but gratitude for them.ミレディもエレンも、とてもよく私に仕えてくれます。感謝しきれません。
Lord Roy may be young, but he has a greatness about him that belies his years... I believe he will make things right.ロイ様はお若くとも寛大で常に未来を見据えた方。彼ならばきっと……
I do fear that, if I am remembered by history, it will not be fondly but as a princess who betrayed her own kingdom.…私はベルンの歴史に汚名を残すのでしょうね。『国を売った女』として…
When I'm with you, I somehow feel a rush of confidence...the very confidence required to face my fate with head held high.あなたといると勇気がわいてくるのです。運命に立ち向かう勇気が。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.わかりました
Are you certain?そうでしょうか…
We must end this.止めなくては

캐릭터 페이지로