과거, 현재, 미래 굴베이그/대사
Seiðr? No...that name is a thing of the past. I am Gullveig, the Golden Seer, whose life is a cycle unending. | セイズ? いいえ…その名は過去に消えた。私はグルヴェイグ。繰り返す円環を生きる黄金の魔女。 |
These clothes are from a past that was lost to me. They are all that remain of that hope I once had. | この装束は既に失われた過去。希望の残滓…今となってはなんの意味もない存在。 |
Corrin, queen of some other world, is said to have chosen her path...yet mine is a closed loop. | 異界の女王カムイ…彼女は自ら歩む道を選んだのだという。けれど私の道は、閉ざされた円環… |
There is something I must say to you, but now is not the time. It must wait until we reach the end of this cycle... | あなたには伝えるべき言葉がある。でも今は、まだそのときではない。円環の果てに至るまで… |
What am I doing here, now, dressed like this? This should be impossible... Has the cycle...been broken? | なぜ…?私がここで、このような姿に…まさか、円環に綻びが…? |
In my hands I hold hope and despair. I have made them both my weapons. | 私の手にあるのは、絶望と希望の間で姿を変え続ける…決まった形を持たない武器。 |
친구 방문
So this is the version of you who shares a timeline with [Friend], hm? | [召喚師]…[フレンド]と同じ時の輪の中で生きる者。 |
레벨 업
The future cannot be changed. Everything faces annihilation in the end... | 何をしようと未来は同じ。すべては滅びへと帰結する。 |
Unending despair. | 尽きることのない絶望に。 |
Completely meaningless... | すべては…無意味に終わる… |
Even in an endless cycle, I somehow am made to grow stronger still... | 終わることなく繰り返す永劫の時が…私に力を与え続ける。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
I was not born... It is not that I have no memory. It is that my birth has never occurred. ...Nor do I die. The cycle is set. There is no future in which I will perish. And yet...something is different here in this world, this time, this...existence. I seem to be freed of the cycle's influence and demands. Which means I may see a new future, events I've never witnessed in all the cycles of my being... We shall see. | 私は生まれたことがない。生まれた記憶が無いのではなく…生まれた事実そのものがない。 私は死ぬことがない。円環に既に定められている通り…死ぬという未来そのものがない。 けれど、今の私は…この姿の私は…違う。 円環に定められたものではない。もし、そうだとしたら… 私は初めて見るのかもしれない…過去に繰り返したものとは違う、新しい未来を…… |
- | たっ |
- | やっ |
- | きゃあっ! |
- | なにを…! |
오의 발동
Fade away! | 滅びなさい |
Your future is set. | 未来は同じ… |
Once more, once more! | また繰り返し… |
The cycle's power! | 円環の力よ― |
All is meaningless... | 全ては…無意味… |
- | ふ…… |
This clothing reminds me of long ago—though the fit is not as I remember. | 懐かしい服…。でも、胸がきついわ…… |
You mistook me for Seiðr? Be honest. That isn't true. | え… 私をセイズと間違えた…? 嘘はやめて… |
Wearing this, my heart has been spirited right to those days... | こんな格好をしていると、心まであの頃に戻りそうで… |
I have lived the cycle of grief so many times, I am nearly worn through... | 嘆きも悲しみも…繰り返しすぎて、もう擦り切れてしまった… |
I remember when I knew only light and hope...when I was Seiðr... | セイズ…。光と希望に溢れた、あの頃の私… |
I am the Golden Seer. My purpose is to bring ruin. | 私は黄金の魔女…。全てを滅ぼす存在…… |
If only we— *sigh* No. It is nothing. | 私は、あなたに…全てを……。いえ、何でもないわ… |
아군 턴 터치
It will be so. | そう |
It matters not. | どちらでも… |
As always... | 同じことよ… |