여름모습의 미소 스리즈/대사
I am Gunnthrá, first princess of Nifl. I am not used to hot places, but...I'm happy to spend time here with you. | ニフルの第一王女、スリーズと申します。暑い場所は不慣れですが…せっかくの海、楽しませて頂きますね。 |
With sunlight playing off the palms and the soothing sound of waves... This place is the stuff of dreams! | 椰子の葉から漏れる陽光…遠くから響く波の音…まるで夢の中の楽園のよう… |
My home is a land of perpetual snow. A place like this, where summer lasts forever...it's all so new to me... | 私の故郷は万年雪に囲まれた国。このような常夏の海はとても新鮮に映ります… |
Is this appropriate beachwear? I've never had occasion to dress like this, so I just want to be sure... | この水着…大胆すぎたでしょうか?水着を着るのははじめてなので勝手がわからず… |
The sun is shining bright today... Please be careful not to get sunburned, [Summoner]! | [召喚師]様、今日は日射しが強いようです。日焼け対策をしっかりなさってくださいね。 |
Have you seen Ylgr around here? It's her first time in a summery place like this, so I want to keep an eye on her. | ユルグの姿を見ませんでしたか?あの子、夏の海ははじめてなのではしゃぎすぎないとよいのですが… |
친구 방문
My name is Gunnthrá. I come bearing warm, summer tidings from our friend [Friend]. | 私、スリーズと申します。[フレンド]様から夏の便りを預かってまいりました。 |
레벨 업
Oh, how delightful. Like a warm summer's dream. | なんてすてきなのでしょう。これは夏の夜の夢…? |
It seems I've grown used to the heat of the summer sun. | 夏の空気にも慣れてきたようです。 |
Perhaps I was not meant for the summer lifestyle... | 暑さは…やはり苦手です。 |
You should really be relaxing. To think of me...you're far too kind. | この暑いさなかご配慮頂きありがとうございます。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
The ocean during summer is really special, isn't it? Something about it allows one to open their heart... Now that I'm used to the heat of the sun, it's quite pleasant... In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's delightful! Perhaps you've noticed, but...I feel so comfortable here that standing closer to you feels...nice. It's true that winter's cold draws people close, but summer's freeing warmth seems to do the same... But with us speaking so closely, I'm beginning to feel a little flush... Is it time for another swim, perhaps? | 夏の海は…不思議ですね。心も身体も開放的になって自然な自分でいられる場所… 最初は暑かった太陽も慣れればとっても心地よく…すっかり気に入ってしまいました。 [召喚師]様、気付いていましたか? 私…いつもより近くで、あなたとお話しているのです。 冬の寒さも人と人とを近づけますが夏の開放的な空気もまた…心と心を近づける効果が… お話していると…また身体が火照ってきたみたいです。もうひと泳ぎしましょうか…ふふっ。 |
やぁっ | |
えいっ |
きゃああっ! | |
お許しを… |
오의 발동
Oh, my! | あらあら |
Liberation! | 開放的に… |
I'll be bold! | 大胆にいきます |
Warm summer greetings! | 暑中お見舞いを |
I don't want to leave. | 水着が…破れてしまいます… |
Hello! | うふふ |
The heat is intense, isn't it? Be sure to take care of yourself. | 暑いですね…お体どうかご自愛くださいますよう。 |
What's that? Oh, you have a fan for me? How thoughtful. | きゃっ!? …まあ、あおいでくださるのですか? |
My homeland is blanketed in snow...I am just not used to this heat! | 私の故郷は雪国でしたから…暑さには慣れていないのです。 |
Let me lay my hands on you. That should cool you down a bit. | 私の肌に触れていただければ、少し涼しくなりますよ…ほら? |
A dip in the ocean on a summer's day is so refreshing, isn't it? | 夏の海は、とても気持ちが良いのですね… |
This outfit is making me feel a bit bolder than I usually am! | ふふ。こういう格好だと、いつもより大胆になってしまいます |
There's no need to let the heat get to you as long as I'm around. I can cool you down! | 暑さに負けないよう…私の体で、あなたを涼しくしてさしあげますね。 |
아군 턴 터치
Yes? | ええ |
Summer! Ooh! | 夏ですね |
Let's swim? | 泳ぎませんか? |