꿈의 미소 스리즈/대사


I am Gunnthrá of Nifl. Oh, my! We are finally acquainted. In dreams, I've sensed your desire to meet.ニフル王国のスリーズと申します。まあ、あなた様は…夢で私が思い焦がれたお方…

My homeland is always blanketed by snow. Compared to that, it's warm here. Hot, even. I'm sweating!
Can you direct me to where I might bathe?
Nifl, the Kingdom of Ice, is bitterly cold during the winter. As children, my sisters and I cuddled as we slept.ニフル王国の冬はとても寒いのです。子供の頃は、妹たちと身体を寄せ合って眠っていました。
If you feel tired, I'd suggest taking a nap. I always used to tell my sisters the same thing!お疲れでしたら、一休みなさいませんか?ふふ、よく妹たちをこうして寝かせてあげていたんですよ。
You have my apologies. It's so warm and comfortable here... I just dozed off.あ…ごめんなさい。ここは暖かくて、優しくて…ついまどろんでしまいました。
On behalf of my dear sisters, I will do whatever I can to help you. Please don't hesitate to ask for anything.妹たちの分まで、あなたに尽くさせていただきますね。なんでもお申しつけください。

친구 방문

Today, I come bearing the greetings of [Friend].[フレンド]様のしもべ、ニフル王国のスリーズと申します。今日はこちらにご挨拶に参りました。

레벨 업

Oh, how delightful.まあ、素敵ですね。
Thank goodness! I can breathe a little sigh of relief.良かった、ほっとしました。
Oh, my... What should I do now?あら、どうしましょう…?


How kind you are to think of me.まあ、嬉しいです…私を思ってくださったのですね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, [Summoner]... Sweet [Summoner]...
Yes, it is I, Gunnthrá. We first met in a dream. At last we're united.
As you may remember...I can't speak to just anyone using that rite.
Once I establish that link...I can speak to just one person, for my entire life...
And to make that connection, I have to pledge myself to them from the very depths of my heart.
I can tell that you understand what I mean, [Summoner].
When we first spoke, I knew almost nothing of you...
Yet I pledged myself to you without hesitation.
Oh, don't fret. I would never hold that over you, even as a joke!
If there is anything I can ever do to help you, just say the word. It would bring me tremendous happiness.





오의 발동

Please hold still.動かないでください
Can you forgive me?お許しください
Desist in your actions.おやめになって
What a predicament.まあ、たいへん


Fjorm... I'm sorry.ごめんなさい…フィヨルム…


I am Gunnthrá... The eldest princess of Nifl.私はスリーズ…ニフルの第一王女です。
Oh, my! I wasn't expecting you to just...きゃあっ!? びっくりしてしまいました…
You saved my dear sister. For that, you have my thanks.妹を助けていただいて、ありがとうございます。
You're a gentle soul, and your hands are so warm.貴方の手…とても優しくて、温かいです…
You must be exhausted. Why don't we take a rest?お疲れでしょう? 私の傍で、一休みなさってくださいね。
I wish that all of my siblings could live happily together. If only...私たち兄妹が…みんな仲良く…幸せに暮らせたら…
I want to do whatever I can to help you. Just tell me what you need, and I'll be there.あなたのお力にならせてください。私にできることなら、なんでも言ってくださいね。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.わかりました
What can I do?どうしましょうか?

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