노기사 군터/대사


I am Gunter, a knight of Nohr. Some might call me too old. Their mistake. This knight is a seasoned veteran!私はギュンター。暗夜王国の騎士だ。老いた身とはいえ甘く見てはいけませんぞ。

I'm impressed by the commander of this Order of Heroes here—a keen mind for one still in her bloom.特務機関の上官殿は良い方ですな。時に厳しく、優しく皆を導いている。まだ歳若いのに、大したものです。
I was the caretaker for my liege Corrin for many years. So rather than a retainer, I'm more a parent.私の主君はカムイ様という御方です。幼い頃より面倒をみてきたせいか、臣下より親代わりのようなものでしたが。
I admire your initiative doing patrols. We should trade stories over tea. I'm no butler, but I can brew the stuff.見回りとは感心ですな。終わる頃に紅茶でも用意しましょう。執事でなくとも、茶ぐらい入れられますぞ。
My lifetime of training served me well in my world. Will it in this one?
Maybe I should train with you ranking members of this order.
I maintain my armor often. When I got here, I had little more than that on me. So I have to take good care of it all.武具の手入れをしておりました。この身ひとつで来てしまったので、装備品は大切に使わないといけませんな。

친구 방문

Hmm, I take it that you are [Summoner].
Then I've finally found you. I bring greetings from your friend [Friend].

레벨 업

It feels good to be in action again!こんな気分は久しぶりだ。
Guess I can learn new tricks...少し腕が上がったか。
At my age, I'm lucky I don't feel weaker.老いた身では、所詮この程度。


A lot of power for an old man. But I'll use it as best I can.この老いぼれの身には余る力…だが、使いこなしてみせよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I heard from your commander that you're a...Great Hero.
Come now—out with it. Are you a Great Hero? Perhaps you're too humble to say as much.
You might not have my years, but embrace who you are and develop your potential!
That weapon of yours—make yourself into the sort of person who is worthy of holding it!
I have known another one in my days who faced a similar dilemma.
Now, before you dismiss this as the ramblings of an old man, know this:
I have also sensed it while we've been in battle—a gap between your title and your confidence.
No need to apologize. It's only natural, and it's also where I come in.
Let this veteran fight for you a bit longer. I offer my sword and my years, until you are great inside and out.





오의 발동

I will have my revenge!ここまでだな
I will cut you down.本気を出すぞ
This ends now.生き急いだな
A grave mistake.覚悟は良いな?




Others might trifle with me, but I suspect you won't make that mistake.戯れですかな?
I find you...intriguing...to say the least.面白い方だ…
I am glad to have joined you.お供いたしましょう
Remain focused. Always—not just on the battlefield.油断は禁物ですぞ
Curious about the scar on my face? Hmm. Of course you are.顔の傷が気になるのですか?
My armor has known...so much blood.この鎧はたくさんの血を吸っております…
You and I should spar sometime. Builds character!お話も良いですが、次は訓練でもいかがですかな…?

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.腕が鳴るな

캐릭터 페이지로