죽은 왕 구스타프/대사


I am Gustav. Once I was king, but no more. I am but a king's rotting husk.我が名はグスタフ。もはやこの身は王にあらず。朽ちゆくべき骸にすぎぬ。

Should I raise my blade to you in a fit of frenzy, you must not hesitate. Not even for a moment.[召喚師]…もしもわしが狂乱に駆られ、そなたらに刃を向けたなら、一切躊躇はするな。
Alfonse and Sharena are not yet prepared to usher in Askr's future... And I laid that burden upon them.アルフォンスもシャロンもまだまだ未熟。だが…わしは二人に…アスクの未来を背負わせてしまった…
Henriette, never lose that radiant smile. Walk toward the light, the people of Askr beside you.ヘンリエッテ…お前は笑顔を失わず…アスクの民とともに陽の下を歩き続けてくれ…
This body of mine is not of the living. It has no place beside those who yet draw breath.この身は死者…本来ならば、このように生者と関わるべきではない…
I am merely of the endless cohort of the dead—one of the innumerable victims of conflict.戦が生み出す果てなく続く死者の列…わしもその中の一人に過ぎぬ。

친구 방문

Fear not. Your friend is safe. The grasp of Hel has not yet closed... as it has upon my throat.案ずるな…[フレンド]は無事だ。わし一人が冥府に堕ちただけのこと。

레벨 업

When will you let me die? How much more blood must stain these hands?まだ…死ねぬというのか。まだ、この手を血で穢せと…
The dead have no need of power. Yet here I stand.死者に力など無用のものだが…
This body is not fit to persist amongst the living. It should decay...もう…陽の下は歩けぬ身だ…あとは朽ち果てる定めよ…


You need not concern yourself with me. Your gifts are wasted on a corpse.気遣いは無用だ。屍たる我が身には過ぎた力…

5성 40레벨 달성

I have a request for you—not as a king, but as a father who dearly loves his children.
When all of this is over, I hope that you will grant me the eternal rest that I have been denied.
At that time...bury my axe on the hill that overlooks the castle of Askr.
That way, at least some part of me will be able to stand watch over them as time marches ever onward.
The dead ought not to trouble the living. Summoner... I leave Alfonse and Sharena in your capable hands.





오의 발동

Strike me.わしを討て…
You must understand.わかっておろうな
Not good enough, I'm afraid.このような手は効かぬ
Give it your all!本気で来るがいい


Well done...これで…よい……


Heavy sigh...ふう…
I am Gustav. My flesh has been reconstructed by the dread power of Hel.わしはグスタフ。この身はヘルの忌まわしき力によるもの…
Do not approach me. I can make no promises for your safety.…寄るな。そなたに障りがないとは言い切れん。
My body is beyond even my control.我が身…もはや我が意のままには動かせぬ…
One who lacks the will to strike me down is not fit to be king.わしを討つことを躊躇うような惰弱な者には王は務まらぬ。
Alfonse is strong... If the time comes that he must battle his own blood, he will not falter.アルフォンスは強い子だ。肉親が敵となろうときっと揺るがぬ…
Alfonse... Sharena... My beloved children.アルフォンス…シャロン…愛しき…我が子よ……
As I am now, I can do no more than entrust my fate to you.このような身ではあるが…そなたに我が命運を預けよう。

아군 턴 터치

And now?どうする
Consider it done.任せよ

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