쿠트라 족의 전사 기이/대사


I'm Guy, a warrior of the Kutolah. We're led by the Silver Wolf, Lord Dayan himself!おれはギィ。【灰色の狼】ダヤン様が率いるクトラ族の戦士だ!

I think I'm starting to get a feel for this. Heh. Maybe I'm kinda, you know, a genius or something.師匠に教わった剣、なんとかものにできるようになったし、へへ、けっこうおれ、才能あるのかも。
A warrior of Sacae defends his own with pride. Plus, there's a debt I have to repay.命を張って同族を守るのが、サカの戦士だ。それに、受けた恩も必ず返す。
Oh, uh, bows aren't really my thing. Everyone has different talents, right?え、あー、弓はちょっと。ほら、人にはそれぞれ向き不向きってのがあるじゃないか、そういうことだよ。
I was never good with the bow and frankly, I'm terrible at hunting...
But I have been told I have a good sword arm!
Does this castle—or maybe this whole world—have an unusual number of, er, beautiful people?この城、っていうかこの国さ……美人が多すぎないか!?

친구 방문

I'm Guy, the future best swordsman in all of Sacae! I'm here to visit from [Friend]'s castle!おれはサカ一の剣士になる男、ギィ。[フレンド]の城から来た!あんたの様子を見てきてくれってな。

레벨 업

I will become a great knight one day! Until that day comes, I will not return home!おれは一人前の剣士になるんだ!それまでは故郷には帰らない!
My sword will never lose to foes like these! Let me show you just how much I've learned!おれの剣は負けない!修行の成果、見せてやるからな!
Wow... That is not great!うわっ…やっちまった……!


I'm going to get as strong as I can, and then, back home, I...I will defend my tribe and mother as best I'm able!おれは強くなって、故郷を……族長や母さんたちを守ってみせる。

5성 40레벨 달성

Warriors of the Kutolah are usually pretty good at riding horses while using their bows... But not me.
I chose the path of the sword.
Everyone kept telling me how there are already so many who are skilled with the sword out in the world...
I knew that, of course. But I didn't want something like that to stop me from doing whatever I could.
Besides, I made a promise to my master...that I would grow strong enough to beat him...
I'm going to have to get a lot stronger still...
That's why I'm still honing my skills here and now, and will continue to do so until I'm the best in all Sacae!





오의 발동

You can't beat me.剣なら負けねえ!
This'll do it!これで決める!
I'll keep getting stronger!強くなるんだ!
I will defend Sacae!サカ一の剣士に…!


I will master the sword...サカ一の剣士に…なるんだ…


I'm Guy, a warrior of the Kutolah. We're led by the Silver Wolf, Lord Dayan himself!おれはギィ。【灰色の狼】ダヤン様が率いるクトラ族の戦士だ!
Ah! D-don't scare me like that! It's dangerous to sneak up on a skilled swordsman, you know!うわっ!? し、心臓に悪すぎ…
Three years ago, I left my tribe behind and began my training. I decided to master the art of the sword.修行のために一人で旅に出たんだ。もう三年になるかな。
A Sacae warrior proudly defends his own.サカの戦士は、命を張って仲間を守るんだぜ。
Master, I said I would challenge you. I will grow stronger. I will beat you.カレル師匠…おれ、必ず師匠より強くなるよ。
Mother, I... Hey! Don't listen in to my private thoughts!母さん…、わっ!? な、何だよ、何でもねえよ!
I’m traveling and training to grow stronger! I must defend my tribe, my mother, and you as best I can.修行して、もっと強くなって、族長や母さんたちや…あんたを守ってやる。

아군 턴 터치

Where to?どこだ?
Leave it to me!任せとけって

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