말괄량이 사무라이 카자하나/대사


Samurai Hana at your service! I'm from Hoshido. Want to spar for a while? Or maybe later?
I want to be as skilled with a sword as my father was. So, I'm always up for a challenge!

Wish I could find accessories with a cherry-blossom pattern. But this place seems more Nohr than Hoshido.桜柄の小物が欲しいなあ…でもここって暗夜寄りの文化みたいだしそういうの、売ってないのかしら…
I'm Lady Sakura's retainer. And I'm her best friend. No sky knight is going to outdo me. Who do I mean?
Oh...never mind.
Checking up on everyone, huh? Lady Sakura does that. You seem just as thoughtful.みんなが無事か、見て回ってるの?サクラ様もよくそういうことしてるよ。あなた、優しい人なんだね。
I'll protect you on the battlefield since you don't have a weapon. It'd be nice to spar though!時間があるなら手合わせしようよ!えっ、戦えないから無理? それは残念…じゃあ戦場では守ってあげるね!
Hya! And...hyaaa! All right, that's enough katana practice for now. I never miss a single day!えい! えい! えーーーい!!…ふうっ、今日の素振りはおしまいっ!刀の稽古は毎日欠かさないんだから。

친구 방문

Oh, I finally found you, [Summoner]!
Maybe we can spar soon, but first I've got to say hello...on behalf of [Friend]!

레벨 업

I'm so proud of myself!この力に驕らずにもっと精進しちゃうよ!
Guess all that training paid off.やった!訓練の成果が出たみたいね。
That hardly made a difference!げっ、あんまり変わってないっ!


Yay! What an improvement! I can't wait to test it out!わーい、成長しちゃった!この力で手合わせしたいな!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hya! And...hyaaa-hyaaa! Whew. That's enough training for now. I think I did pretty well!
What? My footwork was a little sloppy? And my follow-up was slow? And I wasn't flexible enough?
Yikes, Commander, you're so picky!
Huh? So what if I called you my commander? You're really the most important one around here.
Oh, come on! You know it! I know it! Everyone knows it! Don't be so modest.
I didn't mean to demote anyone else around here. I'll just let it be our little nickname...
OK, Commander?
えい! はあ! とう!!さて、今日の訓練はここまでかな。いつも通りすごい動きだったでしょ?
…げっ、右の踏み込みが甘い!?振り返った後の一撃が遅い!?もーー! 大将は厳しいんだからーっ!
ん? そうよ、大将って呼んだの。あなたはなんか軍の要っぽいから…そう呼んだんだけど、いけなかった?




You're strong...強いのね…

오의 발동

It's all me!勝たせてもらうわ!
With all my strength!散りなさい!
You're mine!もらったっ!
Now, it's my turn!切り捨て御免っ




I try to slip in some katana practice whenever I can!刀の素振りしてきたよっ
Don't you just want to explore this whole world?新しい世界、探検してみたいわ
I want to learn all about how the Order of Heroes trains!特務機関の訓練方法、教えてよ!
Wish we could spar! But I know you're not equipped to fight.あなた強そうだよね、手合わせを…え、闘えないの?
My dream is to become a great samurai! Just like my father was.父上みたいな、立派な侍になるのが夢よ
Where is Lady Sakura? I'm supposed to always be with her!サクラ様どこだろう…お傍にいないといけないのに…
Keep sending me at tough enemies. That's how I'll get stronger!あたし、これからじゃんじゃん強くなるから、強い相手と戦わせてよね

아군 턴 터치

Who next?誰を斬る?
All right!よーし

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

I'll crush you!潰してやるわ!
Shatter to pieces!砕け散りなさい!
Here comes the boom!ドカンといくわよ!
Leave this to me!あたしに任せて!

패배 - 신장

Need more training...もっと…修行しなきゃ…

상태창 - 신장

Wow, these clothes are incredible! I feel like I can train even harder than usual!かっこいい衣装じゃない! いつも以上に稽古がんばれそう!
*surprise* Hey, I'm practicing with my sword! Do you want to get hurt?!きゃっ!? な、なによ、やる気!?
Ever since I arrived here in Askr, my swordsmanship's improved by leaps and bounds.アスク王国に来てから、ますます太刀筋がよくなったみたい。
I'll flatten anyone who bothers Lady Sakura!サクラ様をいじめる奴は、あたしがぺっちゃんこにしてやるんだから!
I want to become a great samurai one day, so I can't afford to neglect my daily training.立派な侍になるために、日々修行は怠らないわ。
The princesses of Jötunheimr are already big, but their muscles are something else! Maybe I could get some tips...ヨトゥンの王女たちって大きくって、こう…メリハリがあって、いいわよね…
No matter what happens, I'll always be on your side!あたしはいつだって、あなたの味方だからね!

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Over here!こっちね
You got it.うーん…
I won't lose!負けないわ!

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