전력으로 달리는 사랑 카자하나/대사


Hana, the messenger of love, is here! Even festivals are serious business, so I'll deliver these gifts in a flash!愛の使者、カザハナ推参!お祭りだって、真剣勝負……ズバッと贈り物を届けるわ!

I'm saving the best gift for Lady Sakura, but I've also got something for Subaki. He's earned that much.一番の贈り物はサクラ様に!あとはそうね、同僚のよしみでツバキにもおまけしておいてあげるわ!
Isn't this kimono great? I'd like to bring it back to the capital sometime, if I ever get the chance.この着物、お気に入りだわ!このまま都まで帰ろうかしら。
Getting gifts is nice, of course, but don't you think the gift givers are the ones actually having the most fun?贈り物をもらえるのも嬉しいと思うけど、もしかしなくてもこのお祭りで楽しいのって……贈り物をする側よね!?
This festival's about showing your love and gratitude, right?
Sakura... I mean, Lady Sakura! I'm so glad I get to be here with you!
Hey! Knowing what the gift is ahead of time takes all the fun out of it!ダメダメ!贈り物が何かわかったらおもしろくないでしょ!

친구 방문

Your friend sent me here to give you a token of their appreciation. I guess that makes me a messenger of love!愛の使者、カザハナ推参![フレンド]から皆さんへ、感謝を込めた贈り物よ!

레벨 업

This is so much fun! Way too much for just one person—I'm going to have to share it with everyone!あたし、いま楽しい!相手にも楽しくなってほしいから!
Oh, don't worry! I've got gifts for friends as well!お義理の贈り物も用意してあるから!安心してね!
Oh no... Do you not like that flavor?あれっ……気に入らなかった?


Today's a day for honesty, right? That's why...I'm grateful to you for everything you do!あなたに感謝を!素直な気持ちよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

I gave a gift to Lady Sakura, and she said thank you, as always, but...do you know what she said after that?
She said, "The fact that you've become a great samurai makes me happier than any gift could." Really!
I just... How am I supposed to respond to that? I almost started crying right then and there!
Talk about unfair... I was trying to give her a gift, but she went and gave me something so much bigger.
It's moments like this that really remind me what I'm thankful for.
That's why I'm going to learn even more, so that I can be useful to Sakura—I mean, to Lady Sakura!
Oh, right! Here's your gift. It's my favorite: dried mandarin oranges! I promise you'll love them!





오의 발동

Thanks, as always!いつもありがとう
I'm grateful to you.感謝してるわ
Got a gift for ya!贈り物よ
Do you like it?喜んでくれるかな?


Wrong gift...もう…気に入らないの…?


Getting to attend the Day of Devotion festival with Lady Sakura is like a dream come true!愛の祭りに、サクラ様と一緒に参加できてうれしいわ。
Ah! Hey, watch it! This is a gift for somebody!きゃあっ!? だめよ、これは贈る人が決まってるの!
Isn't this kimono beautiful? I just love the cherry-blossom pattern!桜の柄の着物、いいでしょ? お気に入りなの。
Do you even need to ask? Of course I've gotten a gift for Lady Sakura! Oh, and Subaki.贈り物は当然サクラ様と、一応ツバキにも用意したわ。
We could all be a bit better about expressing our gratitude more often.日頃の感謝は、まめに伝えておかないとね。
Becoming a great samurai is the best gift I can give. I just hope that's enough...立派な侍になることが、一番の贈り物になるといいな…
Here, this is for you! As thanks for everything!はいこれ! あなたの分。いつもありがとう!

아군 턴 터치

Sounds good!ええ
Tough call.悩むわね
Let's go, let's go!早く早く!

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