괴력영진을 바라는 간즈/대사


I'm Hans, Nohr's newest captain. Who wants an axe to the neck?俺は暗夜王国のガンズ!この斧を首で受けたいのはどいつだ?

I won't stop at captain. I will keep on climbing!今に見てろ……俺は隊長なんかで終わらねえ……!
I'm a loyal warrior of Nohr, mighty and cunning in equal measure.暗夜王国に忠誠を誓う優秀な戦士は!力はもとより、奸智に長けてもいるのだあっ!
The weak only hold back the strong. Best to get rid of 'em before they give you trouble.弱い奴ほど強者の脚を引っ張りやがる!面倒を起こされる前に殺しちまうのが一番だぜっ!
I'll be a king someday. I'll make it happen—you wait and see.俺は手柄を立てて出世し、ゆくゆくは一城一国の主となるのだ!
I'm itching for a fight. Maybe I'll go pick one to amuse myself...ふん……暴れ足りねえぜ。適当に因縁つけて遊んでやるか。

친구 방문

Out of the way—I'm here to crush a rebellion. Oh...there's no uprising? Fine. Blame [Friend].どけどけっ、制圧なら任せろ!おっと……今の任務は違ったか。文句は[フレンド]へ言いな!

레벨 업

Bow down! That's right! Bow down before me! I'll slaughter anyone!這いつくばれ!ひれ伏しやがれ!逆らう者は皆殺しだああっ!
Ah ha ha! Die, scumbags!がはははははははっ!死ね死ね死ねぇっ!


Let me show you how I got my promotion. HAAAH!このガンズの腕、とくと見るがいい!はあああああっ!

5성 40레벨 달성

You've seen a lot of battle, huh? I can practically smell the blood on you. I respect that.
Chaos will always topple the ones who don't earn their status. It's folks like you and me who rise to the top.
And the way we do that is by cutting down all our enemies. Gahaha! Don't act like you don't know what I mean!
No matter how orderly things look, chaos is always ready to bubble up to the surface...with a little help.
Even a kingdom like this one could be in the hands of people like us before you know it. Just follow my lead!





오의 발동

Gah, die!死ね死ね死ねぇっ!
Kill 'em all!おらおらぁ!
I'll break your face!ぶちのめしてやる!
Bow to my might!ひれ伏すがいい!




I'm Hans, Nohr's newest captain. Who wants an axe to the neck?俺は暗夜王国近衛隊長ガンズ! 俺の斧を首で受けたいのはどいつだ?
Try that again and you'll be sorry.あぁ? 今度舐めた真似しやがったら承知しねえぞ。
I'll be a king someday. I'll make it happen—you wait and see.俺は手柄を立てて、ゆくゆくは一国の王になるのだ!
Don't even think about defying King Garon.ガロン様は恐ろしいお方だ。逆らうなんて考えないことだな。
Corrin's here too? Ugh, I can't stand that soft-hearted weakling...カムイ? あの目障りな甘ちゃんもここにいるってのか。ちっ…
I won't stop at captain. I will keep on climbing!今に見てろよ…。俺は近衛隊長なんかで終わらねえ…!
I'm gonna use you to get ahead. You better work real hard.てめえを利用して俺はのし上がってやる。せいぜい励めよ。

아군 턴 터치

Hurry it up!早くしやがれ
As good as dead.暴れてやる!

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