초원의 늑대 하딘/대사


Hardin, commander of the Coyote's Men of Aurelis, reporting in. On my honor, I will never yield to evil.ハーディン見参。オレルアン狼騎士団の誇りにかけて、悪に屈しはしない。

May Prince Marth's knights of Altea join with the Coyote's Men to protect Princess Nyna.マルス殿とアリティア騎士団……私、ハーディンと狼騎士団……ニーナ様のため、共に力を合わせるとしよう。
Archanean nobles may look down on the people of Aurelis, but they know not of the plains people's strength.アカネイアはオレルアンの民を蔑むがパレスの貴族どもは草原を知らぬ。そこに生きる民の健やかさと強さをな。
An army needs to distribute labor to function. We will have need of your tactics later. For now, get some rest.軍には各人の領分というものがある。貴公は休まれよ。必要な時に、頭をはたらかせるためにだ。
As an exceptionally good judge of character, I believe you will achieve great things, [Summoner].[召喚師]殿はきっと大きな仕事を成し遂げるだろう。これでも、人を見る目はあるつもりだ。
Some here are feeling the tension before battle—others, the relief of surviving it. All is as it should be.この城はいい。戦いへの緊張と緩和が保たれている。すなわち、健康だ。

친구 방문

I am Hardin, captain of the knights of Aurelis. I bring tidings on behalf of [Friend].オレルアン狼騎士団の隊長、ハーディンだ。[フレンド]殿と共に正しき道を進もうではないか。

레벨 업

Seekers of glory, step forward! Come, test the blade of Hardin, brother of the king of Aurelis!オレルアンの王弟ハーディン、ここにあり!功を挙げんとする者は前に出よ!我が白刃を受ける覚悟と共に!
So long as my moniker strikes fear in the hearts of my enemies, I will howl "Coyote" like a ferocious beast!フッ、「草原の狼」か……その名が敵の恐怖となるのであれば私は獣になって吠えもしよう!
I cannot afford such carelessness.私が油断するなどあってはならない……


Feel free to set high expectations for my knights. They are the best that Aurelis has to offer.オレルアンの広大な自然が育んだ我が部下は精鋭ぞろい。期待してもらおう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Summoner, if I may... When will I be able to return to Aurelis? I am concerned for my elder brother.
He has had a good reign, but he was getting on in years even before I left to join Altea for Princess Nyna's sake.
I swore upon my life to vanquish Dolhr, deliver the princess safely to the capital, and end this nightmare.
That is my conviction. The Coyote's Men must be victorious, that our dreams may finally be realized.
But perhaps this discussion is best held for another time. For now, let us focus on the path that we both share.





오의 발동

You will not get by.ここは通さん
Is that all?この程度!
Prepare yourself.覚悟はいいか
For Princess Nyna!ニーナ様の為に!


Princess Nyna...すまぬ…ニーナ姫…


I am Hardin, captain of the knights of Aurelis.オレルアン狼騎士団の隊長、ハーディンだ。
I see we are prone to acting like children.ん…? 貴公は子供のようなことをするのだな。
The Coyote's Men are as good as they come. Whatever you expect from them, you will not be disappointed.我が狼騎士団は精鋭揃い。期待に十分応える働きを見せよう。
Make no mistake, I consider myself an exceptionally good judge of character.私はこれでも、人を見る目はあるつもりだ。
Princess Nyna would not be pleased to hear any nitpicking over who will be listed in the history books.味方が功名を争うことをニーナ様が喜ばれようはずもない。
Princess Nyna... I swear I will protect you always.ニーナ様…、私が必ずお守りします。
I have truly begun to think of you as a friend.うむ、召喚師殿。我々はよき友でありたいものだ。

아군 턴 터치

Worry not.安心されよ
Shall we proceed?いかがする
Move out!出撃!

캐릭터 페이지로