과묵한 수호전사 호크아이/대사


I am Hawkeye, protector of Nabata's peace. While this seems a strange twist of fate, I will not shy away.我はホークアイ。ナバタの安寧を守護する者。束の間の奇縁、しかと見守らん。

A festival to affirm Arcadia and our wishes for the future... Igrene is a remarkable young woman.【理想郷】と世界の未来を願う祭事か……我が娘ながら、堂々たるもの。成長したな…イグレーヌ。
Arcadia is home to both humans and dragons, overseen by Lord Athos. There is no conflict here.アトス様に見守られし、人と竜の里……そこに争いはない。
If I did not know better, I would believe this pathway to another time to be some evil magic...
But I am grateful for it.
Life in the desert is not easy. Here, people cannot easily find food or water... It requires strength of heart.砂漠で人が生きる術は限られる。食物も、水も、満足には得られない。ゆえに…心の強さだけは、失ってはならぬ。
I was told powerful magic can drive people to madness, but...even so, I trust my master's guidance.強き魔道は人を狂わせるとあやつは言った……だが…我は、主の示された道を信ずるのみ。

친구 방문

I pray for your continued friendship with [Friend].[召喚師]と[フレンド]の友好がとこしえに続くことを祈る……

레벨 업

Let the beating of my heart echo across the battlefield!うぉおおおおおおおおぉぉ…戦場にこだまするは、我が魂の鼓動。
None will escape my wrath.行かせはせぬ。我の怒りに触れたいか。
I will not take my eyes off the enemy.踏みとどまる。敵に背を向けることはない。


With this, I will come to know myself anew.そして、我は新たな己を知る。

5성 40레벨 달성

Even on the battlefield, you keep your head. That state of mind is like that of my master's.
Lord Athos once told me humans and dragons have grown to hate each other due to their long war.
Hatred is not easily washed away... but people can change, and we learn much over our short lives.
After seeing this world, where countless others meet, I am now certain that my master was correct.
The possibility of utopia can be found in each of our hearts.
I am grateful to have met you—and to see this world. I will pursue the peace in Askr as I would in Nabata.





오의 발동

This, too, is my duty.これも使命…
I follow orders.全うするのみ
I will stop you here.ここは通さん


No regrets...悔いは…ない…


I'm Hawkeye, defender of the Nabata desert.我はホークアイ。このナバタ砂漠を護る者。
*grunt* You bumped me.…? なぜ我を押す。
I am pleased to welcome visitors from distant lands to our festival.我らの祭りに異界の者たちを招待できることを嬉しく思う。
Pent and Louise are my good friends.パントとルイーズは我の良き友人だ。
The day humans and dragons understand each other will come. I have faith.人と竜はいつか必ずわかりあえる日が来る。我は信じている。
My daughter, Igrene... She must succeed me as Desert Guardian.我が娘イグレーヌ…【砂漠の守護】を継ぐ者よ…
I am certain that one day you will build a utopia, one like our village in Nabata.おまえも、ナバタのような【理想郷】をきっと築けるだろう。

아군 턴 터치

I'll go.いくぞ

캐릭터 페이지로